miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

LOTN - From dusk... teal dawn

     Hello, ladies.

     It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve been trying to post this look and I’ve finally made it. Today I’ll show you the look I wanted to wear on New Year’s Eve, but i have given up on it out of laziness. I spent the New Year’s Eve at home, in my pj’s, so I found it useless to put on makeup only for 2-3 hours. Anyway, this was supposed to be my New Year’s Eve look.

     Ma chinui de aproape trei saptamani sa postez acest look si iata ca in sfarsit am reusit. Este vorba despre machiajul pe care am vrut sa-l port de Revelion, dar la care am renuntat din comoditate. Am petrecut noaptea dintre ani acasa, in pijamale, asa ca mi s-a parut inutil sa ma machiez pentru doua sau trei ore. In sfarsit, acesta ar fi trebuit sa fie look-ul meu de Revelion. 

marți, 29 ianuarie 2013

Swatch & Review - Essence "Snow Jam" Eyeshadow Sorbet (01 & 03) (RO only)

     Hello, ladies.

     Nu stiu cum sunteti voi, dar pe mine editiile limitate ma omoara. In clipa in care aud cele doua cuvinte “magice” stiu ca trebuie sa fac pe naiba-n patru, sa vad produsele si sa sper sa nu ma “lipesc” de ceva pentru ca, oh doamne (da, am scris intentionat asa), am deja prea multe. Si-acum manuta sus daca si voi faceti la fel ca mine :D. Bun, acum ca am lamurit asta, tin sa va spun ca in ultima perioada mi s-a cam indeplinit dorinta.
Recent, Essence a lansat pe piata o noua colectie (editie limitata, doh! :)) ), care poarta simpaticul nume “Snow Jam”. De cum am vazut pe net produsele am fost sigura ca voi da iama in oje, insa spre surpinderea mea n-a fost asa.
     Iata ce mi-am luat in schimb:

miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2013

Latest acquisitions: in January I've spent my money on...

     Hello, ladies.

     I think my new motto should be “Shopping is my passion”, because I can't let a month pass by without buying something. The shopping not only relaxes me, but I really need some of the stuff or I just can't help buying them.
     Anyway, this is what I got this month.

     Stiti ca era o emisiune la TV care se numea “Shoppingul, pasiunea mea”? Cred ca asta va fi deviza mea de-acum incolo, pentru ca nu trece luna fara sa cumpar ceva. Pe langa faptul ca shoppingul ma relaxeaza, de unele chestii chiar am nevoie sau poate ca pur simplu nu pot sa le rezist.
      Oricum, acestea sunt cumparaturile din luna ianuarie. 

marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

NOTD - Azul

     Hello, ladies.

     I’m starting the week with a new manicure, a combo between a nail polish and a glittery top coat this time, both from Essence and both from a limited edition collection. This is the first time when I’m using them in this combination and I kinda like the result. It’s a nude manicure which stands out thanks to the small glitter and the big blue flakes.
     I hope you’ll like it too.

     Incepem saptamana cu o noua manichiura, de data aceasta o combinatie intre o oja si un top coat cu glitter, ambele de la Essence si ambele dintr-o editie limitata. E prima oara cand le port in combinatia aceasta si-mi place rezultatul. Este o manichiura nude, care iese din anonimat multumita sclipiciului mic si a “fulgilor” mari albastri.
     Sper sa va placa si voua.

duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

NOTD - Sparklin' rainbows (Swatch & Review KIKO holographic nail polishes - pic heavy!)

     Hello, ladies.

     Today’s post will have tons of pictures and few lines. Why? Because today I will show you the holo nail polishes from KIKO I bought recently: I’ve got all four of them, they are absolutely gorgeous and I couldn’t help myself taking lots of pics.
     I hope you’ll like them.

     Postarea de astazi va contine cateva tone de poze si putin text. De ce? Pentru ca astazi va prezint ojele holografice de la KIKO pe care le-am achizitionat de curand: le am pe toate patru, sunt absolut superbe si n-am putut sa ma abtin sa nu le fac multe poze :D.
     Sper sa va placa.

miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

Swatch & Review NYX - Soft Matte Lip Cream, Jumbo Eye Pencil & Jumbo Lip Pencil (ro only)

     Hello, ladies.

     Cand am cumparat de pe Makeup Shop paletele Sleek Mattes Darks and Brights mi-am achizitionat si un NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream. De asemenea, am primit cadou doua creioane jumbo NYX, unul pentru ochi si unul pentru buze.
     Paletele Darks si Brights vi le-am prezentat aici, iar acum a venit randul sa va vorbesc despre cele trei produse NYX.

marți, 15 ianuarie 2013

NOTD - Steel My Heart

     Hello, ladies.

     Lately I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather and I’ve been a little MIA on FB and blog, but I promise I’ll start posting more often. I haven’t done any looks either and not because I don’t have any ideas, but because I wasn’t in the mood to use any eyeshadows and brushes.  
     Instead I did a few manicures and review-s which I’m gonna post these days.
     Today I’ll show you a gorgeous Catrice nail polish which surprised me in a very pleasant way.

     In ultimele zile n-am fost chiar in apele mele si am cam lipsit de pe blog si FB, insa planuiesc sa-mi iau revansa. Nici machiaje n-am mai facut, nu pentru ca n-as fi avut idei, ci pentru ca nu m-am simtit in stare sa pun mana pe farduri si pensule.
     In schimb am facut cateva manichiuri si review-uri pe care o sa vi le prezint zilele acestea.
     Astazi am sa va arat o oja superba de la Catrice care m-a suprins mai mult decat placut. 

sâmbătă, 12 ianuarie 2013

NOTD - Chic reloaded

      Hello, ladies.

     There’s nothing worse than a writer’s block when you want to write a post. Therefore I will cut to the chase: today I’ll show a new nail polish I added recently to my collection and which I like pretty much. It’s “Chic Reloaded” from Essence.

     Nu e nimic mai rau decat sa ai o pana de inspiratie atunci cand vrei sa postezi. Drept urmare o sa trec la subiect: astazi va prezint o oja care a intrat de curand in colectia mea si care-mi place destul de mult. Este vorba de “Chic Reloaded” de la Essence.

joi, 10 ianuarie 2013

Swatch & Review - MeMeMe products

     Hello, ladies.

     I heard about the MeMeMe products shortly after I became a beauty blogger. Honestly, at first I thought they were somehow made by Benefit – I thought the second one is the “mother” company since their products are so similar – but after a while I discovered they are two different companies with almost identical products. Or, better said, MeMeMe is a dupe of Benefit.
     A few months ago I got in touch with the MeMeMe team in order to test their products.
     Here’s what I got from them.

     Am auzit despre produsele MeMeMe la scurt timp dupa ce am intrat in blogosfera. Ca sa fiu sincera, la inceput am confundat firma cu Benefit – pe cea de-a doua crezand-o companie “mama”, tinand cont ca produsele lor seamana destul de mult - insa intr-un final m-am lamurit si eu ca sunt doua chestii total diferite, dar cu produse aproape identice. Cu alte cuvinte, MeMeMe este dupe-ul lui Benefit.
     Acum cateva luni am intrat in legatura cu cei de la MeMeMe, care mi-au propus sa le testez produsele.
     Iata ce am primit de la ei:

luni, 7 ianuarie 2013

LOTD - Fresh peach (makeup on a different person)

     Hello, ladies.

     Today I’ll show you my first makeup of 2013 and, surprise, you won’t be seeing me in the pics. My friend, Alexia, paid me a visit today and, after we were done gossiping, she asked me to do her makeup. I was a little out of ideas, but she helped me by saying “do what you wanna do, Ana”. And Ana did a simple daytime makeup, colourful and cute.

     Astazi am sa va prezint primul machiaj pe 2013 si, surpriza, nu eu voi aparea in poze. Prietena mea, Alexia, m-a vizitat astazi si, dupa ce-am terminat “portia” de barfa, m-a rugat sa-I fac un machiaj. M-a prins putin in pana de idei, insa m-a ajutat foarte mult ca mi-a dat mana libera. “Fa ce vrei tu, Ana”, iar Ana a vrut un machiaj de zi simplu, colorat si dragut.

duminică, 6 ianuarie 2013

Best products of 2012

     Hello, ladies.

     2013 comes with a new post category, which is “favourite products”. The first post of its kind will not be about my favourite products in december, but the ones I liked i
 2012. Last year I tried and tested a lot of products, of all categories (beauty and care related) and, an the end of the year, I drew a line and decided which I liked most hence which I will buy again.
     Today I’ll show these products hoping that you’ll either find new products to like or, perhaps, you’ll think about giving another chance to some items that didn’t impress you the first time.

     2013 aduce pe blogul meu o noua categorie de postari si anume “produsele favorite”. Primul articol de genul nu va contine preferatele lunii decembrie, ci pe cele ale lui 2012. Anul trecut am testat o multime de produse, din toate categoriile posibile (beauty and care related) si, la final de an, am tras linie si am decis care mi-au placut cel mai mult si, drept urmare, pe care le voi recumpara.
     Astazi va prezint si voua aceste articole, in speranta ca fie veti descoperi produse noi, fie veti dori, poate, sa reincercati unele care nu v-au impresionat asa mult.

miercuri, 2 ianuarie 2013

NOTD - Bows and sparkles

     Hello, ladies.

     HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, a great New Year party and I hope you’re ready for 2013m whatever it may bring you (and I hope it will be only happiness). I’ve got big plans for this year, some of them blog related.
     The first post on 2013 will be a manicure, to be more precisely the one I wore on New Year’s Eve.

     LA MULTI ANI!!! Sper ca ati petrecut frumos de sarbatori si ca sunteti pregatite pentru 2013, orice v-ar aduce el (eu sper sa va aduca numai fericire). Eu am planuri mari pentru anul acesta, inclusiv in ceea ce priveste blogul.
     Prima postare pe anul acesta va fi o manichiura, mai exact cea pe care am purtat-o de Revelion.

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