Hello, ladies.
You have no idea how good it fells to write again on the
blog. I am so sorry that I’ve been posting so rarely lately but, unfortunately,
I can’t change that, not for the time being. So please bare with me.
Today I have for you a special manicure. I didn’t use the
nail stripes or the sponge technique, but a stamping image plate. I have three
plates and I decided it’s time to use them too.I hope you'll like my manicure.
Nici n-aveti idee cat de bine ma simt scriind iar pe blog.
Imi pare tare rau ca postez atat de rar dar, din pacate, nu am cum sa schimb
asta, cel putin pentru moment. So please bare with me. I hope you’ll like my
Astazi am pentru voi o manichiura mai speciala. Nu am
folosit benzile si nici buretelul, ci o placuta cu model pentru unghii. Am trei
astfel de placute si am decis ca este timpul sa le pun si pe ele la treaba.
Sper sa va placa ce a iesit.