Hello, ladies.
Some of us were born with beautiful eyebrows, which need just
a litlle touch up, some of us are not so lucky, and some of us have probably
lost a few wars with the tweezer. Sometimes, letting a cosmetician doing your
brows doesn’t necessary mean that they’ll look good and, honestly, I prefer to
ruin my eyebrows by myself than pay someone to do that J). But today I’m not
gonna talk to you about how you should shape and trimm your brows, but how I
contour my eyebrows.
Unele dintre noi s-au nascut cu sprancene frumoase, care
necesita doar de un mic retus, altele au fost mai putin norocoase, iar
majoritatea dintre noi probabil ca a pierdut de multe ori razboiul cu penseta. Nici
mersul la cosmetica nu-ti asigura niste sprancene frumoase si, sincera sa fiu,
prefer sa mi le “ciuntesc” singura decat sa platesc pe cineva pentru a face
asta. Astazi, insa, n-am sa va vorbesc despre cum sa te pensezi corect si care
e forma ideala, ci am sa va spun cum imi conturez eu sprancenele.
My eyebrows are a far cry from being perfect: the right has
a pretty shape and it’s rather thick, but when it comes to the left one, that’s
another story. I have a lot of missing hair, especially in the outer edge of
the brow and the shape is rather different comparing to the right one.
A long time I refused to retouch them in any way, thinking
they would look fake, but with time I learned a few things and I changed my
opinion. At first I used an eyebrow pencil, after a while I switched to eyebrow
powder, and now, I am using a brow kit from Sleek, which is perfect for me.
The kit has was and powder, two small brushes, an angled and
a flat one too aply the products, and a smal, pretty good tweezer. The kit also
has a mirror, in case you want to retouch the eyebrows during the day.
And now the tutorial.
Sprancenele mele sunt departe de a fi perfecte: cea dreapta
are o forma frumoasa si este destul de deasa, insa cu stanga este alta poveste.
Imi lipsesc fire de par, mai ales in exteriorul sprancenei si are o forma
destul de diferita comparativ cu dreapta.
Multa vreme am refuzat sa le “retusez” in vreun fel, crezand
ca arata fals, insa am mai invatat una alta si mi-am schimbat parerea. La
inceput am folosit creion, apoi am trecut la fard si, intr-un final, am
descoperit un kit de la Sleek care este perfect pentru mine.
Kit-ul contine ceara si fard pentru sprancene, doua pensule
mici, una unghiulara si una plata, pentru aplicarea produselor si o penseta
micuta, destul de buna de altfel. Trusa mai contine si o oglinda, in caz vreti
sa o purtati in geanta si sa faceti cateva retusuri in timpul zilei.
Sa trecem, asadar, la tutorial.
- I pluck and trimm my eyebrows (as good as I can), and I comb out my brows with a clean eyebrow brush. Then, using the angled brush from the Sleek kit, I shape and fill my eyebrows with the wax, with short, feathery strokes, applying product in the direction of hair growth. / Pensez si tund sprancenele (atat cat ma pricep), apoi le pieptan cu ajutorul unei periute pentru sprancene. Cu ajutorul pensulitei unghiulare din kit-ul Sleek, imi conturez si umplu sprancenele cu ceara din trusa, cu miscari scurte si usoare, in directia cresterii parului.
- I blend the wax using the eyebrow brush. I don’t want a definite line, I just want to creat the appearance of hair. / Intind ceara cu ajutorul unei periute pentru sprancene. Nu vreau sa am o linie bine definita, ci doar sa creez impresia de sprancene pline.
- Using the flat brush and the eyebrow powder, I brush the powder along the brows (the powder will stick to the wax) and I fill in the sparse spots. Again, I blend the product using an eyebrow brush. / Folosind pensulita plata si fardul din kit, fixez ceara si umplu spatiile goale din sprancene. Din nou, intind produsul cu ajutorul unei periute.
- In the end, using a concealer, I “wipe” off the extra product and re-shape my eyebrows. / La final, cu ajutorul unui concealer, “sterg” produsul in exces si re-definesc forma sprancenelor.
I’m not saying that my eyebrows look fantastic, but for the
moment I like they’re shape, and this method is fast and simple. If you have
anything to say about my way of shaping the eyebrows, I’m looking forward in
reading your opinion.
If you want to see the makeup in these pictures, the finished version, click HERE.
Nu spun ca sprancenele mele arata magnific, insa pentru
moment imi place rezultatul, iar metoda este simpla si rapida. Daca aveti vreo
critica sau vreo propunere in ceea ce priveste conturarea sprancenelor, astept
cu drag sa-mi scrieti.
Daca vreti sa vedeti machiajul din poze, in versiunea finala, click AICI.
For any questions,
requests or/and critics, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the comment
section below, my email addresses (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com / ana.s.beautyblog@gmail.com) or on Yahoo Messenger (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com).
Pentru intrebari, propuneri si/sau critici, ma puteti contacta folosind sectiunea de comentarii, adresele de mail sau pe mess.
Pentru intrebari, propuneri si/sau critici, ma puteti contacta folosind sectiunea de comentarii, adresele de mail sau pe mess.
Kisses and always be beautiful
Va pup si fiti frumoase
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