Hello, ladies.
Ever since I failed doing this cut crease I wanted to fo
another makeup using black and red, two of my favourite colours. I haven’t
tried doing another cut crease since then, because it takes certains skills (which
I don’t have) and I don’t have a proper
eye shape.. But the other day I decided to do a look using those two colors,
and the result is a dramatic makeup.
It’s not the kind of makeup I would wear in public, unless
I’d go to a theme party or something like that, but I really liked doing it,
“playing” with the eyeshadows and the shades to get this result.
Inca de cand am dat rateu cu acest cut crease mi-am pus in
cap sa incerc un alt machiaj la care sa folosesc negru si rosu, doua dintre
culorile mele preferate. Cut-crease n-am mai incercat de atunci, pentru ca e
nevoie de o anumita indemanare (pe care eu nu o posed) si nici forma ochiului
nu ma ajuta. Insa zilele trecute m-am decis sa creez un nou look folosind cele
doua culori, iar rezultatul este un machiaj dramatic.
Nu este genul de machiaj pe care eu l-as purta in public,
decat daca ar fi vorba de o petrecere tematica, insa mi-a placut sa-l creez, sa
“jonglez” cu fardurile si nuantele pentru a ajunge la acest rezultat.
I was asked by Iguanitza to explain in detail how I created this look but, unfortunetaly, I haven’t thought of doing a picture tutorial because I didn’t think this look would get so many likes. Still, I’ll try to explain the best I can how I did it. I won’t use the names of the eyeshadows, but their numbers in the pictures below, to make it easy for you.
Am fost rugata de Iguanitza sa explic in detaliu cum am
creat acest look dar, din pacate, nu m-am gandit sa fac un tutorial din poze
pentru ca n-am crezut ca va “prinde” atat de bine. Totusi, voi incerca sa ex plic
cat pot eu de bine cum am realizat machiajul. Nu voi folosi numele fardurilor,
ci numerele lor din pozele de mai jos, pentru a simplifica totul pentru voi.
As usual, the first step was to prepare my eyes with
foundation, powder and eye primer;
I applied 1
on three quarters of the eyelid, then I blended it;
I applied 2
on the outer corner of my eye and I blended it across the crease;
I applied 3
only in the outer corner, then I added 4
between 3 and 1; I blended all really well;
I used 4 on
the crease also, and I blended with 2;
I applied on the browbone 5, a white shimmery
eyeshadow, to add some “light”, which I toned down using 6, a matte white. I used 5
in the inner corner also;
I used a black kajal pencil and 2 in the outer quarter of the lower lash-line, then I blended all
out using 1;
On my waterline I used a flesh colored eye pencil, and
on the upper lash line I applied a black eyeliner;
I applied mascara and put on some fake lashes – which I
apologize for, those are some no-name lashes and I didn’t thought they will
look so ugly. Promise I’ll buy some good ones soon.
Ca de obicei, primul pas a fost sa-mi pregatesc ochii cu
fond de ten, pudra si primer;
Am aplicat 1
pe trei sferturi din pleoapa mobila, apoi am blenduit foarte bine fardul;
Am aplicat 2
in coltul extern al ochiului si l-am blenduit usor spre pliul pleoapei;
Am aplicat 3
doar in coltul extern al ochiului, apoi am facut trecerea intre acest fard si 1 folosind 4;
Am folosit 4
si in pliul pleoapei, unde l-am blenduit cu 2.
Pentru a lumina arcada am folosit un fard alb
stralucitor, 5, pe care l-am
“domolit” cu 6, un alb mat. 5 a fost folosit si pentru a lumina
coltul intern la ochiului;
Linia de jos a sprancenelor am conturat-o doar pe sfert
cu un creion negru kajal, peste care am aplicat 2. Am estompat fardul folosind 1;
Pe waterline am folosit un creion de ochi in culoarea
pielii, iar pe linia genelor de sus am aplicat tus negru;
Am terminat prin a rimela genele si a aplica gene false
– pentru care imi cer scuze, sunt niste gene no-name si n-am crezut ca vor
arata chiar atat de rau. Promit sa-mi cumpar gene false de calitate cat de
I wanted my lips to be ombre, but I don’t think my camera
managed to capture that. I lined the outer quarter of my lips with Lancome 343
Cerise Noire, I filled them in with a lipstick from my Sephora palette, and
right in the centre of them I applied eyeshadow 1.
Buzele le-am facut ombre, dar din pacate nu stiu cat de mult
se vede in poze rezultatul. Am conturat sfertul exterior al buzelor cu rujul
Lancome 343 Cerise Noire, le-am umplut cu un alt ruj din trusa Sephora, iar
centrul lor am aplicat fardul 1.
I hope my explinations were good and, if you have anything to
ask me, you have my email, the comment section below and my Facebook.
Sper ca am explicat bine si, daca aveti nelamuriri, puteti
sa-mi trimiteti mail (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com),
sa-mi lasati un mesaj in rubrica de comentarii sau sa-mi scrieti pe Facebook.
Products I used:
Ivatherm Ivahidra + Hydrating Facial Cream
L’Oreal BB Cream
Flormar Illuminating Primer
Ivatherm Joviale Liquid Foundation - 02
Garnier Roll-on concelear
Rimmel “Stay Matte” presses powder 004 Sandstorm
Yves Rocher Duo Face Powder Palette – pentru conturarea
Essence blush “Miami Roller Girl”
Essence “Sun Club” Highlighter Powder 01 Summer Glow
Primer ELF
Sleek “Glory” (paleta "Glory" din setul "Olympic", editie limitata)
Sleek PPQ
Maybelline eyeliner gel - 01
Kajal P2 - 021 Gorgeous Germany –
L’Oreal khol kajal black – lower lash line / linia genelor de
Essence brow kit
Essence lash and brow gel mascara
Maybelline Volume&Define Mascara
Maybelline Vibrating Mascara
Lancome 343 Cerise Noire
Sephora Blockbuster Makeup Studio
I hope you’ve liked this look. For any questions, requests
or/and critics, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the comment section
below, my email addresses (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com
/ ana.s.beautyblog@gmail.com)
or on Yahoo Messenger (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com).
Sper ca v-a placut look-ul de astazi. Pentru intrebari,
propuneri si/sau critici, ma puteti contacta folosind sectiunea de comentarii,
adresele de mail sau pe mess.
Kisses and always be beautiful
Va pup si fiti frumoase
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