Hello, my dears. This is Bee.
Buna, dragele mele. Sunt Bee.
“Oh poor thing, she’s single!"
Ok, so…!?!
“Vai saraca, e singura!" Asa, si?!?
Since we are little the brain
washing starts: through fairytales with princesses and prince charming, reading
love stories and novels like Jane Austen type, watching Walt Disney cartoons, girly movies and soap operas,
oooh…let’s not forget the mothers and grandmothers have an important role in
this, too. What is this brain washing all about: that happiness, that you are
fulfilled as a woman only when you are in a relationship, in a marriage? You
are a complete woman only when you have by you the strong, precocious, masculine
sex (:P). But what do you do when you are single, when you don’t fit the
De cand suntem mici incepe
indoctrinarea: din povestile cu printese si printi, din romanele de dragoste
gen Jane Austen, desene animate marca Walt Disney, filmele siropoase sau
telenovelele, aaa… si sa nu uitam de mame si bunici. In ce consta
indoctrinarea: ca fericirea sau implinirea unei femei este conditionata de viata
de cuplu, casatoria, cu alte cuvinte de a fi intr-o relatie. Te-ai realizat ca
femeie doar atunci cand ai alaturi sexul tare, feroce si precoce (:P). Dar ce
te faci cand esti singura, cand nu te incadrezi tiparului?
Bee :) |
Today we are going to talk
about why there are so many single women?
There are 2 types of single
- those that are independent,
in charge of their own sexuality and happy with their own life;
- and those that are the
eternal victims, which always cry about being single, unhappy and all the time
on a male hunt.
Asa ca azi vom discuta despre
de ce sunt asa de multe femei singure?
Sunt doua tipuri de femei singure:
- cele care sunt independente,
sigure de propria lor sexualitate si fericite de viata pe care o au;
- si cele care sunt eternele
victime, care se plang mereu ca sunt singure, sunt nefericite si se afla intr-o
perpetua vanatoare de masculi.
Let’s be clear: it’s not the
end of the world if you are not in a relationship. The fact that you are
involved with someone doesn’t mean that automatically you reached happiness.
Life is too complex to reduce it to such superficial principles. Is not worth
rushing into a relationship based on the pressure of your family, friends, that
is, all those that should mind their own business. Better lonely and happy than
miserable in a relationship.
Un lucru sa fie clar: nu este capat de tara daca nu ai
pe cineva. Faptul ca esti intr-o relatie
nu inseamna automat ca ai atins fericirea. Viata este prea complexa pentru a o
reduce la niste principii superficiale. Nu merita sa te grabesti intr-o relatie
din cauza unor presiuni care vin din parte familiei, prietenilor, mai pe scurt
zis: gura lumii. Mai bine singura si fericita, decat intr-o relatie care
provoaca suferinta fie morala, fie fizica.
There are different reasons why
some women decide to postpone a relationship. Why are there single women? The
answer is very complex. I’ll try to give you one, but is not an exhaustive
answer (please feel free to comment and I would love to hear your ideas).
Career: the fact that some
women wish to have a career, well, that is seen as a sacrilege by some men.
Yes, men (some of them) feel intimidated by those women that have success on a
professional level. Their masculinity feels threatened, castrated and executed
mafia style. Also, having a career comes with some sacrifices. Sometimes work
can take over your life, sacrificing the social part of it.
Some women don’t consider
themselves as single, but as INDEPENDENT. They don’t need a man’s approval for
what they do, to feel fulfilled. They are in charge of their life, they respect
themselves and don’t accept less than they deserve. They know what they want in
life and also from their partner.
Motivele care stau la baza unei
astfel de decizii de a amana o relatie sunt cat se poate diferite. De ce sunt
multe femei singure? Raspunsul este complex. Voi oferi un raspuns insa nu este
exhaustiv (la final va rog sa comentati si sa imi spuneti parerile voastre).
Cariera: dorinta unor femei de
a face cariera este vazuta de unii barbati ca pe un sacrilegiu. Da, barbatii
(unii dintre ei) se simt intimidati de femeile care au succes pe plan
professional. Masculinitatea lor se simte amenintata, castrata si executata in
stil mafiot. De asemenea, a face cariera inseamna si asumarea unor sacrificii.
Uneori, munca le ocupa tot timpul in detrimental vietii sociale.
Unele femei nu se considera
singure, ci INDEPENDENTE. Ele nu au nevoie de aprobarea barbatilor pentru ceea
ce fac. Sunt sigure de ele, de fortele proprii, se respecta si nu accepta
jumatati de masura. Astfel de femei stiu ce vor de la viata, implicit de la
The world should not feel pity
for single women and not try to consider that there is something wrong with
them and that they need ‘to get their life back on track’. Au contraire, they
should admire and respect them.
Gura lumii nu ar trebui sa le
planga de mila femeilor singure si sa nu incerce sa considere ca e ceva in
neregula cu ele, ca trebuie sa isi puna viata pe un ‘fagas normal’. Din contra,
ar trebui sa le admire si sa le respecte.
I would like to give an advice
to all the young women, women out there that are single: don’t let yourself
influenced by the stupidity of others, by their fears and insecurities of those
that have a narrow mind, that have a pessimistic, negativistic view on life,
that is, don’t let yourself dragged in their word full of lightnings and
thunders, and unhappiness. Don’t listen to those people that tell you that
something is wrong with you just because you are single. Don’t go on a date
just because you feel pressured by your friends or family just so you can be
like the others.
As dori sa le dau un sfat
tuturor fetelor / femeilor care nu au un partener: nu va lasati influentate de
prostia altora, de temerile si nesiguranta celor care au o minte ingusta, care
au o viziune negativista si pesiminsta. Adica nu va lasati trase in lumea lor
plina de tunete, fulgere si nefericire si sa nu va luati dupa acele persoane
care va spun ca e ceva in neregula cu voi pt ca sunteti singure. Nu mergeti la
intalniri ca rezultat al presiunilor exercitate de prieteni, ca vezi frate
‘maica, trebuie sa intri in randul lumii.’
Enjoy your independence, your wisdom, and the
fact that you know what you want from a partner and won’t accept useless, risky
compromises. If is going to happen, it will. Good things happen to does that
wait; in the end you will find your soul mate.
Bucura-te de independenta pe
care o ai, de inteligenta si de faptul ca stii sigur ce vrei de la un partener
si nu accepti jumatati de masura, compromisuri inutile si riscante uneori. Daca
este sa se intample, atunci asa va fi. Uneori merita sa astepti si sa cauti
acea persona care este jumatatea ta.
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