Hello, ladies.
Pentru mine, primerul de ochi este un produs cosmetic ce nu
poate lipsi din “arsenalul” meu. Desi am tenul uscat, pleoapele sunt uleioase,
ca atare fardul nu rezista prea mult. In plus, culorile sunt mult mai vii
atunci cand folosesc primer, lucru pe care l-ati putut observa atat in
swatch-uri, cat si in look-urile mele.
La momentul actual, pe piata se gasesc o multime de primere
pentru ochi, pentru toate gusturile si toate buzunarele. Desi multe fete
prefera TFSI (Too Faced Shadow Insurance) sau UDPP (Urban Decay Primer Potion),
eu am folosesc de aproape un an ceva muuuuult mai ieftin, dar care pentru mine
este perfect: primerul de ochi ELF.
Cu toate acestea, n-am putut rezista curiozitatii de a
incerca si alte primere drug-store, iar primul care mi-a atras atentia a fost
cel de la Catrice. Sincer, regret enorm ca l-am cumparat si cred ca niciodata
n-am cheltuit 3-4 euro mai prost decat acum.
For me, the eyeshadow primer it’s must in my makeup kit.
Although my complexion is dry, my eyelids are pretty oily, therefore the
eyeshadows don’t resist pretty long. Besides, the colours are more vibrant when I use a primer, a noticeable thing in my
swathces and looks.
At the time being, there is a wide range of eyeshadow
primers, at all prizes. Many girls love TFSI and/or UDPP, two very good and not
so expensive products, but for almost a year now i've been using a ridiculously cheap
primer, wich is perfect for me: the ELF eyeshadow primer.
Although I love it, I couldn’t resist the temptation to try
other drug-store primers, and the first one that got my attention was Catrice.
Honestly, I regret I bought it and I think that was the worst 3-4 euros I’ve
ever spent.
Ce spun ei:
Primerul de ochi Catrice transforma orice fard intr-unul
waterproof datorita texturii sale cremoase. Aplicati inainte de a va machia si
veti obtineti un look minunat, iar culorile vor fi mai intense si vor rezista
mai mult.
Ce spun eu:
Primerul vine ambalat intr-un tub micut, ce contine 2.1 ml
de produs. Are un aplicator mic, tip buretel, la fel cu cele pe care le gasiti
la toate (sau majoritatea) primerelor de ochi.
Textura este destul de cremoasa si ofera intensitate
fardurilor, insa pentru o foarte scurta perioada de timp. De fapt, textura si
intensitatea sunt singurele lucruri bune pe care le pot spune despre el.
Desi este cremos, in clipa in care l-am aplicat pe pleoape
mi-a fost foarte greu sa-l intind, deoarece forma mici cocoloase, iar dupa nici
doua minute am simtit ca ma ustura usor pielea. Pana sa apuc sa aplic
fardurile, am vazut ca incepe sa ma irite si ca pe pleoape imi apar mici bubite
– lucru pe care-l veti observa si in pozele de mai jos. Am continuat totusi cu
machiajul, pentru ca trebuia sa prezint un look pe blog si am indurat senzatia
de usturime pentru a vedea cam cate ore rezista fardul cu acest primer. Este
vorba de look-ul ACESTA.
Desi in poze machiajul arata foarte bine, dupa nici trei ore fardul
disparuse aproape complet, de parca folosisem cele mai jalnice chinezarii, iaar
usturimea inca nu disparuse. Din fericire, dupa ce m-am demachiat mi-au
disparut si bubitele, si usturimea. Puteti sa va inchipuiti ca l-am aruncat
imediat, nu inainte sa verific daca este expirat. Nu, nu era expirat, asa ca
m-am convins pe deplin ca pur si simplu nu este bun.
Il recomand? In niciun caz. Este groaznic si nu doar ca nu
face nimic din ce promite, dar mai are si reactii negative, cel putin in cazul
meu. Adevarat, poate ca am avut eu o reactie alergica la el, insa nu pot sa
stiu cate dintre voi s-ar impaca bine cu el si cate ar pati la fel ca mine. In
plus, nu pot recomanda un produs care mie mi-a facut rau. In concluzie nu, nu
va sfatuiesc sa-l achizitionati.
Dupa aceasta experienta, m-am decis sa raman la primerul meu
scump si drag, cel de la ELF, cu care ma inteleg de minune. Asta ca sa nu mai
spun ca are pretul de doar 1.79 euro. Si bun, si ieftin :D.
Voi ce primere ati incercat pana acum si care v-a placut mai
Va pup si fiti frumoase
EN – Please check out the pictures above:
Their opinion:
The Eye Shadow Base makes any eye shadow waterproof with its
creamy texture – simply apply underneath your eye make-up to make your gorgeous
looks even more color-intense and long-lasting.
My opinion:
The primer is packed into a small, 2.1 ml tube. It has a
small, spongy applicator, identical with the ones from other primers.
It has a creamy texture and intensifies the eyeshadows, but only
for a short period of time. Actually, these are the only two good things I have
to say about it.
Although it’s creamy, in the second I put it on my eyelid I
had trouble blending it, because it kept forming small bumps and, after only
two minutes, I started to fell like my eyelids were burning. Before I could
apply my eyeshadows, I noticed that I got a small rash on my eyelids. I
continued with my makeup, because I had to post it on my blog and therefore I had to
endure the burning feeling in order to find out how long the eyeshadows will
last with this primer. I’m talking about THIS look.
Although the makeup looks really great in the pictures,
after merely three hours I could hardly see the eyeshadows; it was like I’ve
used some pathetic chinese eyeshadows, and the worst part is I still had that
burning sensation. Fortunately, after I’ve removed my makeup the rash was
gone, and so was the burning sensation. I think you can imagine that I threw it
right away, not before cheking for the expiration date. And no, it wasn’t expired, wich truly convinced me that it
was simply a bad product.
Do I recommend it? Hell no. It’s awful and not only it
doesn’t do anything of what it’s supossed to do, but I had a really bad
reaction to it. True, maybe I’m allergic to it, but I can’t know how many of
you will get along with it and how many will not. Besides, I can’t recommend a
product that gave me rashes. As a conclusion no, I don’t recommend buying it.
After this bad experience, I’ve decided to stick with my old
and beloved ELF primer, wich I get along just well and wich is very afoordable:
only 1.79 euros. Great and cheap :D
What eyeshadow primers have you tried yet and wich did you
love most?
Kisses and always be beautiful.
Va pup si fiti frumoase
Va pup si fiti frumoase
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