sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2013

Colaborare 31 teme de manichiuri: 24. Inspired by a flag (ro only)

     Hello, ladies.

     Provocarea de sambata aceasta este sa purtam steagul unei tari pe unghii. Desi momentan ma aflu pe meleaguri straine, gandul m-a dus tot la tarisoara noastra. Drept urmare, am ales sa reproduc pe unghii tricolorul nostru.
     Pentru astazi am facut un water marble si, dupa cum a spus Aqua Shell, modelul de pe unghiute arata ca niste steaguri ce flutura in vant.
     Eu sper sa va placa.

vineri, 28 iunie 2013

Review - Nanshy Foundation Makeup Brush Set + Brush Holder

     Hello, ladies.

     It’s been a month since I received for testing the “Nanshy Foundation Makeup Brush Set” and the “Nanshy Standup Brush Holder”. Since then I used the brushes as often as I could and today I’m going to talk to you about them.
     At first I was really excited about them, but in time I reconsidered my opinion. Let’s see why.

     A trecut o luna de cand am primit pentru testare setul de pensule pentru fond de ten si suportul “Nanshy”. De atunci am folosit pensulele cat de des am putut, iar astazi am sa vi le prezint.
     La inceput am fost foarte incantata de ele, insa pe parcurs mi-am schimbat parerea. Sa vedem de ce.

miercuri, 26 iunie 2013

The Polishes Challenge: 6. Cool

     Hello, ladies.

     It’s Wednesday, we have “Untried Nail Polish Challenge” and we have to show a “cool” manicure. I was tempted to choose a blue polish, a shade which makes you think of something cold, but I find it a little bit common. Green didn’t tempt me either, so I chose a purple China Glaze polish, with a subtle duo-chrome effect. And because I didn’t want a simple manicure, I stamped a few stars and leaves.

     E miercuri, avem “Untried Nail Polish Challenge” si trebuie sa va prezentam o manichiura “cool”. Am fost tentata sa aleg albastru, o nuanta care te duce imediat cu gandul la rece, insa am renuntat pentru ca mi s-a parut prea comuna. Nici verde nu m-a tentat, asa ca am ales o oja China Glaze, cu un usor efect duo-chrome. Si pentru ca nu am vrut o manichiura simpla, am stampilat niste frunze si stelute.

luni, 24 iunie 2013

LOTD - Brown sugar and lime

     Hello, ladies.

     Last weekend I was finally in the mood to play a little bit with my eyeshadows. I know that lately I haven’t posted makeup looks that often, but it’s not because I didn’t have inspiration and / or time, but because I simply because I didn’t feel like doing or wearing makeup. But I’m trying to pull myself together and post makeup looks more often.
     Let’s see today’s look.

     Weekend-ul ce tocmai a trecut am avut, in sfarsit, chef sa ma joc putin cu fardurile. Stiu ca in ultima vreme am postat foarte rar look-uri si nu pentru ca mi-au lipsit inspiratia si / sau timpul, ci pentru ca pur si simplu n-am avut tragere de inima sa fac machiaje. Insa incerc sa ma mobilizez si sa postez mai des look-uri.
     Sa-l vedem pe cel de azi.

sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2013

31 Day Nail challenge: 23. Half Moons

     Hello, ladies.

     Today’s theme is “half moon”, a manicure that I like, but which I don’t wear that that often. Because it’s summer and I want to be “in trend”, I chose two Flormar neon nail polishes which I didn’t use since last summer: an orange and a blue, to shades that look great together, in my opinion.
     Let’s see the result.

     Tema colaborarii de astazi este “half moon”, o manichiura pe care n-o port des, desi imi place. Am vrut sa fiu in ton cu vara si am ales doua oje neon de la Flormar pe care nu le-am mai folosit de vara trecuta: un portocaliu si un albastru care arata foarte bine impreuna, zic eu.
     Sa vedem ce-a iesit.

miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

The Polishes Challenge: 5. Warm

     Hello, ladies.

     On a hot summer day we are here to show you warm toned manicures, made with polishes that we haven't used before (because that's the challenge). For today I did two manicures, one that's good and one that's more of a "fail".
     Let's see what I'm talking about.

     Intr-o zi fierbinte de vara noi va aratam manichiuri calde, facute cu oje nefolosite pana acum (ca doar asta este provocarea). Pentru astazi am facut doua manichiuri, una reusita si una care intra cu succes la categoria “fail”.
     Sa vedem despre ce este vorba. 

sâmbătă, 15 iunie 2013

31 Day Nail Challenge: 22. Metallic Nails

     Hello, ladies.

     Today’s theme was a real pain in the ass for me because the models I wanted to do were a real failure. More precisely, I wanted to do some water marble designs but my metallic nail polishes aren’t good for that. Therefore, I did only two stamping designs and an ombre one.
     I hope you’ll like them.

     Tema de astazi mi-a dat multe batai de cap, iar asta doar pentru ca modelele pe care le aveam in minte nu au vrut sa iasa nici batute. Mai exact, am vrut sa fac water marble, insa ojele metalice pe care le am eu nu sunt bune pentru asa ceva. Drept urmare, m-am limitat doar la doua manichiuri “stampilate” si un degrade.
     Sper sa va placa ce mi-a iesit.

miercuri, 12 iunie 2013

The Polishes Challenge: 4.Neutral

     Hello, ladies.

     Today I have to show some neutral nail polishes from the untried polish challenge. I love neutrals, but only the “classic” ones like brown, grey, beige, cream or rosy pink. Therefore, for today’s manicures I used a rosey pink nail polish, a beige glitter and a brown nail polish.

     Astazi trebuie sa va arat niste oje neutre din provocarea cu oje nefolosite. Imi plac ojele neutre, inca doar cele “clasice” precum maro, gri, bej, crem sau roz trandafiriu. Drept urmare, pentru manichiurile de astazi am folosit o oja roz trandafiriu, un glitter bej si o oja maro.

marți, 11 iunie 2013

Spring haul: nails and makeup stuff (2)

     Hello, ladies.

     Last week I showed you HERE some of the stuff I received / bought lately, and today I want to show you the rest. You’ll see mostly nail polishes or other nail stuff, but there will be some makeup stuff too.
     Also I did some swatches to some of the products. You’ll see the rest of them in time, on my blog.

     Saptamana trecuta v-am aratat AICI o parte dintre chestiile cumparate / primite in ultima perioada, iar astazi vreau sa va arat restul. In mare parte vor fi oje sau chestii ce tin de manichiura, insa o sa vedeti si cateva produse de machiaj.
     De asemenea, am facut si swatch-uri la unele produse. Pe celelalte le veti vedea pe blog in timp, in diverse postari.

miercuri, 5 iunie 2013

The Polishes Challenge: 3. Three Colors

     Hello, ladies.

     Today we have a manicures using three colors. Basically we are supposed to show you new nail polishes, but I have for you something a little more… different: I did a manicure using acrylic paints. The pattern is not so great, I wanted to do a one stroke manicure, but it came out to be something different, anyway… I am a noobie with this whole acrylic paints thing, so please bare with me.

     Astazi avem manichiura in trei culori. In principiu ar trebui sa va aratam oje noi, insa am pentru voi ceva mai… altfel: am facut o manichiura folosind vopsele acrilice. Modelul nu este foarte reusit, am vrut sa fie un one stroke, mi-a iesit altceva, in sfarsit… Sunt abia la inceput in ceea ce priveste acrilicele, asa ca va rog sa nu fiti prea aspre cu mine.

luni, 3 iunie 2013

Spring haul: makeup and skin care products etc... (1)

     Hello, ladies.

     In the last few weeks I haven’t been shopping as much I used to and that only because I realized that I have enough eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks, eyeliners, nail polishes etc. Ok, I admit, I did buy a nail polish or a lipstick every now and then, but not too many and only because I really wanted them and they were in sale too. Other than that, I bought most of the products in march and april. Also, I received other products to test them, I will tell you which ones.
     Today I’ll show you some skin care products, makeup products and accessories, perfumes etc.

     In ultimele saptamani am lasat-o destul de “moale” cu shopping-ul, iar asta pentru ca am ajuns la concluzia ca a destule palete cu farduri, rujuri, creioane de ochi, oje etc. Bine, recunosc, am mai cumparat o oja, un ruj acolo, dar nu prea multe si numai pentru ca mi le doream mult si erau si la reducere. In rest, mare parte din produsele pe care le veti vedea atat in postarea de astazi, cat si in cea de maine, au fost cumparate in martie si aprilie. De asemenea, altele au fost primite pentru testare, voi preciza eu care anume.
     Astazi am sa va prezint produse de ingrijire a tenului, produse si accesorii de machiaj, parfumuri etc.

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sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2013

31 Day Nail Challenge: 20. Glitter

    Hello, ladies.

     Today’s theme is “Glitter”, therefore we have to show you glittery nails. I did two manicures but I’ll show you only one, because the other one – a water marble – didn’t come up as I wanted to and the glitter wasn’t so obvious.
     So today I have for you a manicure with ombre glitter.

     Tema de astazi este “Glitter”, drept urmare trebuie sa va prezentam unghiute sclipicioase. Eu am facut doua manichiuri, insa va voi prezenta doar una, deoarece cealalta – un water marble – n-a iesit asa cum mi-am dorit si nici sclipiciul nu este atat de evident.
     Deci astazi am pentru voi o manichiura cu glitter aplicat in degrade.

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