joi, 9 august 2012

OOTD - A blast of orange on a rainy day

     Hello, ladies.

     Last weekend was a chillaxed one. I spent my Saturday at home, with hubby, and Sunday I went for a walk with a friend. We strolled downtown Hamburg admiring traditional chinese clothing / jewels / decorations and… gay couples. Yes, you heard me well. The two events took place last sunday, very different one from the other, but very close, as location: Christopher Street Day ( a gay parade characterized by color, lust and decadence) and China Markt 2012.

     Weekend-ul trecut a fost unul relaxant pentru mine. Sambata am petrecut-o acasa, impreuna cu hubby, iar duminica m-am intalnit cu o prietena si ne-am plimbat prin centrul Hamburgului, admirand atat haine / bijuterii / decoratiuni traditionale chinezesti, cat si… cupluri gay. Da, ati citit bine. Duminica trecuta au avut loc doua evenimente complet diferite, dar foarte apropiate unul de celalat, ca locatie: Christopher Street Day ( o parada gay caracterizata de culoare, desfrau si decadenta) si China Markt 2012.

      There’s not much to say about the first event, just that China Markt has its place among a series of events meant to celebrate a long lasting relationship between Hamburg and China. China Time 2012 includes a series of various Chinese events, all taking place in the German metropolis. To quote a local internet site I can say that “between the 9th and 25th of August Hamburg is under the influence of the Dragon sign for the fourth time”, after 2006, 2008 and 2010. I am planning to go this weekend as well and take part at other events by China Time 2012, so I will show you some pics taken at the events this Sunday.

     Despre primul eveniment nu sunt multe de spus, insa China Markt este doar unul din seria de evenimente menite sa celebreze lunga relatie dintre Hamburg si China. China Time 2012 cuprinde o serie de evenimente chinezesti foarte variate, toate desfasurandu-se in metropola germana. Ca sa citez un site local, “in perioada 9-25 august Hamburg se afla sub influenta semnului dragonului pentru a patra oara”, dupa 2006, 2008 si 2010. Planuiesc sa merg si in weekend-ul acesta la alte evenimente din cadrul China Time 20120, asa ca va voi delecta cu poze de la evenimente abia in ultima zi din saptamana in curs. 

                                        Ok, just a little sneak peak with the China Markt

     Today I’ll only show you what I’ve worn at the stroll I took last Sunday. I wanted something simple, comfy, casual, but at the same time colorful: black jeans, orange bag, black blouse with two brown and orange “spots” and nude flats. I know that would’ve been more suitable (I actually own a pair, black and orange), but I also knew that I had a long way to walk and I didn’t want to torment myself on high heels.
     Anyway, I hope you’ll like the outfit.

     Astazi va voi arata ce am purtat la plimbarea de duminica trecuta. Am vrut ceva simplu, comod, casual, dar cu o pata de culoare: blugi negri, geanta portocalie, bluza neagra cu doua “pete” maro si portocaliu si balerini nude. Stiu ca la aceasta tinuta ar fi mers mult mai bine niste wedges (chiar am unii, negru cu portocaliu), insa mai stiam si ca am mult de mers si n-aveam chef sa-mi chinui picioarele pe tocuri.
     Oricum, sper sa va placa tinuta.

     Enjoy the pics.

The outfit:

Jeans / Blugi: C&A
Blouse / Bluza: Orsay
Bag / Geanta: Oasap
Flats / Balerini: Deichmann
Charm watch - Avon

     I hope you’ve liked this outfit. For any questions, requests or/and critics, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the comment section below, my email addresses ( / or on Yahoo Messenger (
     And don’t be shy, leave me a comment.

     Sper ca v-a placut tinuta de astazi. Pentru intrebari, propuneri si/sau critici, ma puteti contacta folosind sectiunea de comentarii, adresele de mail sau pe mess.
     Parerile voastre sunt binevenite, asa ca nu va sfiiti sa mi le spuneti .

                        Kisses and always be beautiful

                          Va pup si fiti frumoase

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