Hello, ladies.
I don’t know if
you’ve noticed, but my posts have been pretty rare in the last because I
haven’t been in a good mood. But I’m trying to pull myself together and to post
daily, like I usually do, because I have a lot to show you, from looks to
manicures and what products I’ve tested lately.
Today I’m gonna show you a look I matched with THIS outfit.
Nu stiu daca ati observat, dar in ultima saptamana am postat
destul de rar pentru ca n-am fost intr-o pasa prea buna. Dar incerc sa ma
“adun” si sa recuperez cu postarile, pentru ca am multe sa va spun si sa va
arat, de la look-uri la manichiuri si ce produse am mai testat.
Astazi am sa va arat un machiaj pe care l-am asortat ACESTUI outfit.
Initially, I wanted to do a smokey brown to match the outfit, but I thought it was to ordinary for me, so I opted for something more
colorful to make my eyes pop. I chose orange, copper, gold and brown, perfect
colors not only for the summer time – because they compliment your tanned skin,
but perfect for autumn also, which is about to come – for me, these shades look
just like the withered autumn leaves.
I know I used a lot of colors and this look might seem quite
difficult to do, but it’s actually really simple and, if you want to do a look
just like mine, you can use only 3-4 shades.
I hope you like the look. Oh, almost forgot: sorry about
posting a single full face picture, but I took the close-ups during day time
and, because I was running late to a date with a friend, I had to postpone the
full-face pics for the evening because, when the lightning was poor.
Initial vroiam sa fac un smokey maro pentru outfit, insa mi
s-a parut prea banal, asa ca am optat pentru ceva mai colorat, care sa-mi puna
ochii in evidenta. Am ales portocaliu, aramiu, auriu si maro, culori potrivite
atat pentru vara – deoarece pun in evidenta pielea bronzata, cat si pentru
toamna, care ne cam bate la usa – mie mi se pare ca nuantele seamana foarte
bine cu frunzele uscate ale toamnei.
Stiu ca am folosit multe culori si poate pare greu de
realizat acest look, insa in realitate este foarte simplu de facut si, daca
doriti sa realizati un machiaj asemanator, va puteti limita la doar 3-4
Sper sa va placa look-ul. Ah, uitasem: imi cer scuze pentru
ca postez o singura poza full-face, insa in timpul zilei am avut timp sa fac
doar close-up-urile si, pentru ca intarziam la intalnirea cu o prietena, a
trebuit sa aman pozele full-face pentru seara, cand lumina a fost foarte
Click on the pictures for enlargement / Click pe poze pentru marire
Products I used:
Ivatherm Ivahidra + Hydrating Facial Cream
Maybelline Dream Satin Liquid – Sand 30
Garnier Roll-on concelear
Wet N Wild Ultimate Minerals Powder Foundation – 06 Medium
Yves Rocher Duo Face Powder Palette – pentru conturarea
Essence blush “Miami Roller Girl”
Primer ELF
Sleek Curacao
Maybelline eyeliner gel - 01
Essence long lasting eye pencil “15
bling bling” – lower lash line / linia genelor de jos
Manhattan khol kajal eyeliner 3
(brown) – waterline and lower outer corner / pe waterline si in pe linia
genelor de jos, coltul extern
Essence brow kit
Essence lash and brow gel mascara
L’Oreal Studio Secrets fibre mascara base
L’Oreal Volume Million Lashes
Sephora Blockbuster Makeup Studio
I hope you’ve liked this look. For any questions, requests
or/and critics, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the comment section
below, my email addresses (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com
/ ana.s.beautyblog@gmail.com)
or on Yahoo Messenger (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com).
Sper ca v-a placut look-ul de astazi. Pentru intrebari,
propuneri si/sau critici, ma puteti contacta folosind sectiunea de comentarii,
adresele de mail sau pe mess.
Kisses and always be beautiful
Va pup si fiti frumoase
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