Hello, ladies.
I should slap myself because it’s been a month since I my
last makeup post. How did I let that happen? It’s a rethorical question since I
know the answer: either bad lighting, either I didn’t had time or I was sick.
The good part is that spring is here (finally) and, even if I still don’t have
as much time as I want, at least now I have more and better light, therefore
I’ll be posting more looks on my blog. At least I hope.
But let’s get to today’s post. You’ve asked me a few times
to do some bridal looks, so I’ll show you mine, the one I wore at my civil
ceremony. Actually, I did the makeup again especially for you.
Ar trebui sa ma iau singura la palme pentru ca a trecut o
luna de cand am postat ultimul machiaj. Cum am lasat sa se intample asta? E o
intrebare retorica, pentru ca de fapt stiu: ori lumina proasta, ori lipsa de
timp, ori am fost racita cobza. Partea buna este ca primavara a venit (in
sfarsit) si, chiar daca inca stau prost cu timpul, macar acum am lumina mai
multa si mai buna, drept urmare voi putea face mai multe look-uri. Sper, cel
Dar sa trecem la postarea de astazi. Mi-ati cerut de cateva
ori sa realizez si machiaje de mireasa, asa ca o sa vi-l arat chiar pe al meu,
cel purtat la cununia civila. L-am reprodus special pentru voi :)