miercuri, 31 octombrie 2012

Giveaway "Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 2"

     Hello, ladies.

     Am vazut cat de mult v-a placut colectia Essence "the Twilight saga" si stiu ca sunteti nerabdatoare sa apara si in Romania. Prevad ca produsele se vor vinde ca painea calda, la fel cum se intampla si aici, de altfel.
     Dar pana ajunge colectia si la voi v-am pregatit o mica surpriza :D.


- trei oje - "02 alice had a vision again", "03 a piece of forever" si "04 edward's love";
- un pigment - "02 alice had a vision again";
- un lipgloss - "C01 alice had a vision again";
- un eyeliner - "02 jacob's protection"

Ce aveti de facut:
- sa dati LIKE paginii mele de Facebook;
- sa ma urmariti prin GFC;
- sa ma urmariti prin email - Follow me by email; ATENTIE - va rog sa confirmati acest lucru dupa ce veti primi mail-ul de rigoare;
- sa dati share acestei postari si sa-mi lasati in formular link-ul share-ului - ATENTIE, share-ul trebuie sa fie public, ca sa-l pot vedea si eu.
- sa-mi lasati adresa voastra de email.

-        -  La acest GA pot participa doar persoanele care locuiesc in Romania sau au o adresa valabila in Ro;
-       -   Persoanele inscrise de pe acelasi IP sau care au conturi duble vor fi descalificate. De asemenea, nu accept inscrieri de la barbati;
-        Nerespectarea oricarei reguli atrage dupa sine descalificarea.
-   - Castigatoarea are 48 de ore la dispozitie pentru a ma contacta, altfel voi alege pe altcineva.
         Giveaway-ul incepe astazi, 31 octombrie 2012, si se incheie pe 15 noiembrie, la ora 23:59. Imi rezerv 48 de ore pentru a anunta castigatoarea. 
        Bafta tuturor.  

              Formular de inscriere

luni, 29 octombrie 2012

Swatch & Review - Essence "the twilight saga - breaking dawn part 2" Collection

     Hello, ladies.

     I don’t know if you have found out, but Essence has launched a new collection to celebrate the last “Twilight” movie – “Breaking Dawn part 2”. Actually, that’s the name of the collection that has already hit the stores. The collection has four nailpolishes, four eye pigments, two eyeliners, a lipstick, two lipglosses, a blush and a highlighter.
     I only bought three nailpolishes and a highlighter, which I’m gonna show next.

     Nu stiu daca ati aflat, dar Essence a lansat o noua colectie cu ocazia ultimului film din saga “Twilight” – “Breaking Dawn Part 2”. De fapt, acesta este numele colectiei care deja se gaseste in magazine. Din colectie fac parte four oje, patru pigmenti pentru pleoape, doua eyelinere cu sclipici, un ruj, doua gloss-uri, un blush si un highlighter.
     Dintre toate produsele pe mine m-au atras trei oje si highlighter-ul, pe care am sa vi le prezint astazi. 

sâmbătă, 27 octombrie 2012

LOTD - Red my lips

     Hello, ladies.

     Today I have for a “light” post for you guys, since it’s the weekend. I’m gonna show you a daytime look, which I did using Sleek Oh So Special and a gorgeous red lipstick from Catrice “Hollywood’s Fabulous 40ties” Collection.

     Astazi am pentru voi o postare “usoara”, asa ca de sfarsit de saptamana. Este vorba despre un machiaj de zi, realizat cu Sleek Oh So Special (ca doar va promisesem), la care am asortat un superb ruj rosu, din colectia Catrice “Hollywood’s Fabulous 40ties”. 

joi, 25 octombrie 2012

Swatch & Review - Kiss My Sass products (part 3)

     Hello, ladies.

     Last week I received some new goodies from Kiss My Sass and today I want to show them to you. Actually, I’ve been trying for a few days to publish this post, but only today I’ve found the time to do this.
     These are the new acquisitions:
-         eyeshadows: Vegas, Amber Glow, Fall Harvest, NaughtyDog, Sailors Kiss and Nessie.
-         blush and highlighter: Peachykeen, Glisten;
-         samples: Outrageous, Tattoo Shop.

     Saptamana trecuta am primit un nou pachet cu bunatati Kiss My Sass, iar astazi vreau sa vi le arat. De fapt, de vreo cateva zile ma tot chinui sa public aceasta postare, dar asta e partea a doua :).
     Iata care sunt noile achizitii:
-         farduri: Vegas, Amber Glow, Fall Harvest, Naughty Dog, Sailors Kiss si Nessie;
-         blush si highlighter: Peachykeen, Glisten;
-         mostre: Outrageous, Tattoo Shop.

luni, 22 octombrie 2012

When in doubt... wear red!


     Hello, ladies.

     I’m starting the week with a new collaboration between bloggers. I miss this kind of projects, especially since I wasn’t able to participate to the last one (gradient day, if I’m not wrong).
     Today we cellebrate RED. The sensual, sexy, romantic, passionate red, for which we reach out too when we don’t know how to paint our nails, what lipstick to wear or when we wanna look fabulous on a date without leaving the impression that we tried to hard (if you ask me, sexy red dress beat the shit out of little black dress).
     I’m gonna show a manicure, although I wish I had time to do a look as well. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in the mood, didn’t had time, inspiration, you name it, the fact is I only have a manicure for you.

     Incepem saptamana cu o noua colaborare intre bloggerite. Imi era dor de un astfel de proiect, mai ales ca l-am ratat pe ultimul (gradient day, sper sa nu gresesc).
     Astazi sarbatorim ROSUL. Rosul senzual, sexy, romantic, pasional, rosul la care apelam atunci cand nu stim ce ruj sa folosim, cum sa ne pictam unghiile sau daca vrem sa aratam fabulos la o intalnire, fara a parea ca ne-am straduit prea mult (daca ma intrebati pe mine, sexy red dress bate little black dress :D).
     Eu am sa va prezint o manichiura, desi mi-as fi dorit sa fi realizat si un machiaj pentru voi. Din pacate, am fost lipsita de chef, de vlaga, de inspiratie, you name it, cert este ca n-am reusit sa fac vreun look, asa ca ma limitez la unghiute.

sâmbătă, 20 octombrie 2012

"Pimp my blog" Competition

     Hello, ladies.

     Soon I will celebrate one year of blogging and I never thought I will come this far and that so many girls would be interested in what I have to say or write. But I’m getting sentimental so I’m just gonna cut to the chase.
     To celebrate this “event” I thought about changing my blog’s theme, but I don’t want to do it alone. Because I need your help, I’m lauching a COMPETITION.

     In curand blogul meu va implini un an si, va spun sincer, niciodata n-am crezut ca voi ajunge aici, ca voi evolua atat de mult si ca atatea fete vor fi interesate de ce scriu / fac eu. Dar ma pierd in sentimentalisme asa ca o sa trec la subiect.
     Cu ocazia acestui “eveniment” m-am gandit sa schimb si aspectul blogului, insa nu vreau sa o fac singura. Am nevoie de ajutorul vostru, motiv pentru care dau drumul unui CONCURS.

     What do you have to do: I want you to tell me which theme is more suitable for my blog. How do you want it to look, from the background to the main banner (which banner would represent me the best - you will have to send me a picture with the banner), and if you could provide links to google themes that’s even better. I like to think that you know me pretty well, you know what I like and that you’ll choose what’s best (and pretty) for me.

     Ce trebuie sa faceti: vreau sa-mi spuneti care tema credeti ca ar fi mai potrivita pentru blogul meu. Cum v-ati dori sa arate, incepand cu fundalul si terminand cu un banner principal (ce banner m-ar reprezenta cel mai bine - o sa-mi trimiteti o poza cu bannerul), iar daca puteti sa-mi lasati si link-uri catre anumite teme, cu atat mai bine. Imi place sa cred ca deja ma cunoasteti destul de bine, ca stiti ce gusturi am si ca veti face cea mai buna (si frumoasa) alegere pentru mine.

     The best two ideas will win this competition, and the prizes are:

     Cele mai bune doua idei vor fi alese castigatoare, iar premiile sunt urmatoarele.

     First prize / Premiul 1:

-         a black bag / o geanta neagra;
-         eye makeup remover for sensitive eyes with cornflower extract / demachiant cu albastrele pentru ochi sensibili;
-         shower cream “Jardins du Monde Laos purple rice” / gel de dus crema “Jardins du Monde Orez violet din Laos”;
-         anti-imperfections concentrate Zero Blemish Pore Refining Care / crema anti-imperfectiuni pentru inchiderea porilor “Sebo Specific Zero Defecte”;
-         coconut scented lip balm / lip balm cu nuca de cocos;
-         “Pure Calmille” day moisturizing skin cream for face and body / crema de zi delicata pentru ten si corp “Pure Calmille”;
-         Energizing mask with spanish pomegranate / masca pentru luminozitate cu extract de rodie;
-         top coat Essence “Circus Confetti”.

     Second prize / Premiul 2:

-         pink sport bag / o geanta sport roz;
-         shower gel  “Jardins du Monde Florida Orange” / gel de dus “Jardins du Monde Portocala din Florida”;
-         radiance shampoo – illuminating effect / sampon pentru stralucire;
-         24 h rich hydrating cream / crema hidratare intensa 24 h pentru;
-         24 h rich hydrating cleansing milk / demachiant hidratare intensa 24 h;
-         gentle roll-on deodorant “Hamamelis” / deodorant roll-on “Hamamelis”;
-         top coat Essence “Circus Confetti”

     The competition starts today, October 20, 2012 and ends November 20, 2012, at 23:59. The winners will be announced within 48 h and they have 48 h also to respond to my mail.

     Concursul incepe astazi, 20 octombrie 2012 si se termina pe 20 noiembrie 2012, la ora 23:59. Imi rezerv 48 de ore pentru a anunta castigatoarele, care la randul lor au 48 de ore pentru a-mi raspunde la mail.

     The rules / Regulile:

-    - Follow me via GFC / Urmariti-ma prin GFC.
-        - Like me on Facebook / Dati-mi Like pe Facebook.
-    - Share this post on FB / Dati share acestei postari pe FB.
-    - Tell me how do you want my blog to look and which theme is more suitable. Please send me a picture with the banner at ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com /  Spuneti-mi cum vreti sa arate blogul meu si ce tema credeti ca ar fi mai potrivita. Va rog sa-mi trimiteti o poza cu bannerul la adresa de mail ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com;
-    - Leave me your email address to contact you if you win / Lasati-mi adresa voastra de mail pentru ca va contacta in caz ca ati castigat;


-        -  This giveaway is open for european residents only / La acest GA pot participa doar persoanele care locuiesc in Europa.
-       -   The persons who entered this giveaway from the same IP or with double accounts will be disqualified / Persoanele inscrise de pe acelasi IP sau care au conturi duble vor fi descalificate.
-        If you disrespect any rule, you will be disqualified / Nerespectarea oricarei reguli atrage dupa sine descalificarea.
-   - The winners have 48 hours to contact me, or I will choose someone else / Castigatoarele au 48 de ore la dispozitie pentru a ma contacta, altfel voi alege pe altcineva

     Good luck everyone.

Application form / Formular de inscriere                    

vineri, 19 octombrie 2012

Swatch & Review - GOSH BB Cream

     Hello, ladies.

     I was telling you recently on FB that I received a few goodies from GOSH, which I’ve been testing since I got them. Well, it’s time to share my opinion with you.
     The first on the list is the BB Cream. I find it useless to tell you what a BB Cream is, since the beauty market is full of these kind of products and I’m sure you all know it’s “history”. That being said, let’s start the review.

     Va spuneam recent pe FB ca am primit cateva bunatati de la GOSH, pe care le-am tot testat in ultimele saptamani. Ei bine, a venit timpul sa va vorbesc despre ele.
     Primul pe lista este BB Cream-ul. Nu cred ca are sens sa va spun ce este un BB Cream, piata este deja suprasaturata de astfel de produse si sunt sigura ca toate stiti ii stiti “istoria”. Drept urmare, voi trece direct la prezentarea produsului de la GOSH. 

marți, 16 octombrie 2012

Review - Waterproof Volume Mascara. Yves Rocher, you've disapppointed me

     Hello, ladies.

     Do you know how drug addicts react when they get their dose after a long period of abstinence? Well, that’s me right now, writing on my blog :)). I managed to gather a little bit of strenght post today. For those of you who don’t know, I have a terrible cold which it's draining me physically of my energy.
     But let’s get to the point. You know I’m a huge Yves Rocher fan, I've tried all kind of products from creams to eyeshadows, perfumes, you name it I tried it. Recently I ordered a few products from them and, among others, I chose a waterproof mascara.

     Stiti cum sunt drogatii care-si primesc doza dupa o perioada lunga de abstinenta? Eh, cam asa sunt eu acum, cand scriu pe blog :)). Am reusit sa-mi adun cateva puteri si sa fac postarea de astazi, pe care v-am promis-o de ceva vreme. Pentru cele dintre voi care nu stiu, ma lupt cu o raceala pacatoasa, care m-a lasat fara pic de vlaga.
     Dar sa trecem la subiect. Stiti ca eu sunt mare fan Yves Rocher, am incercat de la ei tot felul de produse, de la creme la farduri, parfumuri, you name it I've tried it. Recent am comandat cate ceva de la ei si, printre altele, mi-am ales si un rimel waterproof. 

duminică, 7 octombrie 2012

NOTD - Rainbow Dots

     Hello, ladies.

     A few days ago, while I was enjoying a cup of coffee and the warm sunrays after a long autumn rain, I saw on the sky a beautiful double rainbow. And since the nature is my main soruce of inspiration, I decided to do some rainbow inspired nails. More precisely, I wanted to do some rainbow dots, but I kind of failed: too many colored dots and too crowded, plus my nails are too small to work on.

     Zilele trecute, in timp ce-mi savuram cafeaua si ma bucuram de soare dupa o ploaie sanatoasa de toamna, am zarit pe cer un superb curcubeu dublu. Si cum natura este principala mea sursa de inspiratie, m-am decis sa-mi fac niste unghii curcubeu. Mai exact, m-am gandit sa fac niste rainbow dots, insa am cam esuat: puncte colorate multe si cam inghesuite si spatiu mic de lucru, pentru ca nu am unghiile prea lungi. 

joi, 4 octombrie 2012

NOTD - Fighting the grey

     Hello, ladies.

     I promised you I’ll use as often as possible my stamping image plates and this is me keeping my promise. This time, I used two image plates from Born Pretty Store and I’m very pleased with the result, the models transferred perfectly.
     What inspired me to do this manicure? The grey weather and the few colored flowers in the garden that withstand the rain and gloomy weather.

     V-am promis ca voi face folosi cat mai des placutele de stamping si iata ca ma tin de cuvant. De data aceasta, am pus la treaba doua placute de pe Born Pretty Store si sunt foarte multumita de rezultate, modelele au iesit perfect.
     Ce m-a inspirat sa realizez aceasta manichiura? Vremea gri de afara si cateva flori colorate din gradina, care ignora timpul poloios si innorat si reprezinta o pata de culoare. 

miercuri, 3 octombrie 2012

LOTN - I'm gettin' rusty

     Hello, ladies.

     I know you requested me on Facebook to do a look using Sleek “Oh So Special”, I promise I’ll post it in the next few days. But until then I wanna show you a look I did using Sleek “Sunset”. I am in love with this palette, I find it perfect for autumn and lately I’ve been using it a lot.
     This time I did an evening look, a little bit stronger, with gold and rusty red shades. Besides “Sunset”, I have also used “Oh So Special” and “Glory”.

     Stiu ca mi-ati cerut pe Facebook un machiaj cu Sleek “Oh So Special”, promit sa-l postez zilele urmatoare. Insa pana atunci va arat un look pe care l-am facut folosind in mare parte Sleek “Sunset”. M-am indragostit de aceasta paleta, mi se pare perfecta pentru toamna si in ultimul timp am preferat-o pe ea atunci cand m-am machiat.
     Acum am realizat un machiaj de seara, ceva mai puternic, in nuante de auriu si ros-ruginiu. Pe langa “Sunset”, am folosit si “Oh SoSpecial” si “Glory”.

luni, 1 octombrie 2012

OOTD - Pina Colada

     Hello, ladies.

     It’s been a while since I last posted an “Outfit of the day” and, since the whether has become pretty chilly in Germany, I thought I’d show you what I wear this fall season.
     Actually, I have the same style for years and I don’t think I’ll change it anytime soon. I feel comfy in these kind of outfits and they represent me. I like boot cut jeans, blouses / shirts, boots and cardigans. I love cardigans, I think they’re elegant, but casual in the same time and I can wear them with anything. As for the accessories, I prefer long necklaces, charm bracelets and small earrings, that is when I wear them.

     A trecut ceva timp de cand n-am mai postat un “Outfit of the day” si, cum vremea s-a racit in germania, m-am gandit sa va arat cum ma imbrac eu toamna aceasta.
     De fapt, am acelasi stil de ani buni si nici nu cred ca mi-l voi schimba prea curand. Ma simt confortabil in astfel de tinute si ma definesc. Imi plac blugii evazati, bluzele / camasile, ghetele si cardiganurile. Ador cardiganurile, mi se pare elegante, dar casual in acelasi timp si le poti asorta la orice. In ceea ce priveste accesoriile, prefer colierele lungi sau bratarile charm, iar cercei fie nu port deloc, fie optez pentru unii micuti. 

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