duminică, 3 iunie 2012

If the shoe fits...

     Hello, beauties.

     Fara prea multe ocolisuri, azi voi trece direct la subiect: nu poti schimba un barbat- este un mit. Nu vorbesc din auzite, ci din propria experienta. Sa nu credeti ca sunt genul de femeie care uraste barbatii, nu sunt genul de feminista ajunsa la extreme. Nu, deloc, nu imi sta in caracter. Dar sunt ferm convinsa ca nu poti schimba pe cineva. Indiferent daca e barbat sau femeie. De ce, va intrebati? Pentru ca dorinta de schimbare trebuie initiata de tine insuti, tu trebuie sa iti doresti acest lucru.

     Without further introduction, today I am going to go straight to the subject: you can not change a man- it's a myth.  I am speaking from my own experience, not from things that I have heard. Don't get me wrong, I am not that type of woman that hates men, I am not one of those extreme feminists. Not at all, that is not me at all. But I am a firm believer that you can not change someone, no matter what their gender is. Why, you may ask? Because the will to want to change has to come from within, you have to want to make a change.

Bee :)

     Dar sa revin la barbati, sexul tare plin de testosteron. O noua relatie este precum un pantof. Vrei sa cumperi o pereche de pantofi, ce faci mai intai? Ii incerci sa vezi daca se potrivesc. Daca se potrivesc, ii vei cumpara (asta daca ai si bugetul necesar). La fel este si cu o relatie. La inceputul oricarei relatii vezi ce iti place si ce nu iti place la barbatul respectiv. Sa pornesti o relatie cu idea preconceputa “ei lasa, ca il schimb eu, il voi modela dupa bunul plac” este complet GRESIIIIT! Sincer, este cel mai tampit lucru pe care il poti  face. O relatie nu se construieste astfel. Sa revin la analogia cu pantoful. Daca vreau sa cumpar o pereche de pantofi rosii fara toc, pai frate, cumpar pantofi rosii fara toc. Nu voi cumpara o pereche de pantofi negrii, cu toc de 10 cm, ca apoi cand ajung acasa, sa ma pun pe taiat tocul si vopsit pantofii. Asta e nebunie curata.

     But let's get back to men, the strong sex full of testosterone. A new relationship is like a shoe. You want to buy a pair of new shoes, what you do first? You try them on to see if they fit. If they fit, you will buy them (that is if you have the money). The same way is with a relationship. At the beginning of every relationship you see what you like/ don't like in a man. If you start a relationship with the preconceived idea that "oh well,  I can change him the way I like" well, that is just WRONG!!!!! Honestly, is the stupidest thing you can do. You do not built a relationship this way. Let me get back to my shoe analogy. If I want a pair of red shoes without a heal, well, that is what I am going to buy. I am not going to buy a pair of black shoes, with a 10 cm heels, so I can go home, start cutting the heels and paint the shoes in red. That is just plain crazy. 

     Trebuie sa iti placa un barbat pentru calitatile si defectele pe care le are. Nu este cinstit sa incepi o relatie in speranta inutila de a dori sa il schimbi. Asta va declansa o cascada de frustrari, nervi facuti cu nemiluita, certuri peste certuri, usi trantite si vorbe care dor.  Merita sanatatea ta mintala un astfel de tratament? Nu cred. Suntem si asa stresati de viata cotidiana, de lupta permanenta cu haosul monden.  O relatie trebuie sa fie precum o oaza de liniste, relaxare si suport moral. Nu faceti greseala de a incerca sa schimbati un barbat. Sincer, nu ne place nici noua cand partenerul ne spune: “de ce nu te faci blonda, de ce nu mai slabesti ca sa arati ca Angelina Jolie, de ce nu te imbraci asa etc.” Gandeste-te bine inainte de a te implica intr-o relatie daca poti trece cu vederea sau poti accepta in limita bunului simt, defectele pe care omu’ tau le are.

     If you like a guy, you like him for his qualities and his defects. Is not fair to start a relationship, having the foolish hope that you can change him. This is leads to a lot of frustrations, anxiety, verbal fights, slammed doors and saying words that hurt. Is this really worth your mental health? I don't think so. We are already stressed by our daily lives, by our permanent fight with the mundane chaos. A relationship must be like an serenity oasis, full of relaxation and moral support.  Don't make the mistake to try and change a man. Honestly, we don't like when our partner tells us: "why don't you dye your hair blond, why don't you loose weight so you can look like Angelina Jolie, why don't you dress this way, etc." Think thoroughly before you get involved in a relationship, if you can accept (within the limits) the defects he has. 

     Fetelor, viata este prea scurta pentru a ne irosi energia pe astfel de ocupatii redundante. Mama mea a facut aceasta greseala, eu am facut-o de asmenena. Nu va amagiti, nu aveti o incredere oarba si prosteasca in puterea (pe care voi credeti ca o aveti) de a reusi sa schimbati ce nu va place la partener. Compromisurile intr-o relatie trebuie gandite si calculate. Nu facute pe baza unor impulsuri. Nu luati o decizie permanenta, pe baza unei emotii, stari temporare. Sunt riscuri care se merita a fi luate, iar pentru alte riscuri mai bine ziceti ‘pas’.

     Girls listen, life is to short to waste it doing futile things like these. My mother made this mistake, I have also. Do not fool yourselves, don't trust blindly and stupidly that you have the power and that you will manage to change what you don't like in your partner. In a relationship the compromises must be well thought and calculated. Do not make compromises based on impulses. Do not take a permanent decision, based on temporary feelings. There are risks that deserve to be taken, but for others just say "next". 

     Nu exista barbatul perfect. La fel cum nu exista femeia perfecta. Insa tineti minte, trebuie sa accepti o persoana asa cum este. Daca nu iti place, foarte bine. Ai dreptul de a cauta pe cel care ti se potriveste. Iar cand il gasesti nu uita de respect. Te respect pentru ceea ce esti! Te iubesc pentru ceea ce esti! 

     There is no such thing as the perfect man. The same way as there is no such as a perfect woman. But remember, you have to accept a person the way it is. If you don't like the way he is, that is just fine also. You have the right to look for that person that is the right fit. And when you find him, don't forget to respect him. I respect you for what you are! I love you for what you are!

P.S.: Eu si Ana suntem oricand la dispozitia voastra, pentru a va ajuta cu tot ce doriti. Puteti sa ne adresati sfaturi, intrebari, sau puteti pur si simplu sa ne impartasiti framantarile voastre. Suntem aici pentru voi, sa va ascultam, sa va sprijinim si, daca putem, sa va ajutam. Ne puteti contacta la adresa de mail ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com si nu va sfiiti sa vorbiti cu noi, suntem aici pentru voi.

     Ana and I would like to always be there for you and help you with and advice, a kind word or with an encouragement. Please, if you need any advice or have any questions or concerns, send them to us. We are here for you, to listen, support or, if we can, help you.  You can contact us at ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com and don’t be shy, talk to us, we are here for you.


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