Hello, beauties.
Today, one of my close friends (you remember her, the one
that said “you are not special”) gave me the idea to write about beautiful people. She
wasn't referring to physical beauty like Kim Kardashian, Katie Price,
Britney Spears or any other so-called “star”. Since we are talking about
beauty, I think this is the right place to mention one of my favorite
sayings: Beauty fades, dumb is forever. These words are like music to my ears,
because they can be used in so many situations in life.
Astazi, prietena mea
de suferinta :P (o mai tineti minte, cea care mi-a zis “nu esti speciala”) mi-a sugerat sa scriu despre oameni
frumosi. Si nu se referea la frumusete fizica gen Bianca Dragusanu, Zavoranu
sau mai stiu eu ce alta vedeta. Ca tot veni vorba despre frumusete, cred ca se
potriveste de minune aici o vorba de duh care imi place foarte mult: Beauty
fades, dumb is forever (Frumusetea e trecatoare, prostia este eterna.) Ma
unge la suflet vorba asta pentru ca se potriveste in multe situatii.
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Bee :) |
Today I am going to talk to you about inner beauty; I
know it sounds like a cliché. But honestly, I really appreciate those type of
people that are down to earth, honest, that don’t take things for granted and
have solid moral values. For me this is the source that makes a person
beautiful. You can look like a Barbie or like Brad Pit, but if you open your
mouth and a lot of bullshit comes out, if you act in public like a redneck,
well all that exterior beauty goes away, it’s a complete turn-off. I
believe that inner beauty is complemented by the physical beauty. If in life
you encounter people that don’t accept you in their let’s say “pack”,
because you don’t look or dress a certain way, then why would you want to
associate yourself with this kind of superficial people?
Asa ca voi vorbi
despre frumusetea interioara, stiu ca suna ca un cliseu. Dar sincer, apreciez
mult oamenii care sunt cu picioarele pe pamant, sinceri si cu verticalitate
morala. Pentru mine acest aspect reprezinta sursa frumusetii unei persoane.
Poti arata ca o Barbie sau ca Brad Pit, dar daca deschizi gura si iti ies
aberatii, daca te porti in public precum precupetele de la piata, parca tot
farmecu dispare. In viziunea mea frumusetea interioara este completata de cea
exterioara. Daca in viata te intalnesti cu oameni care nu te accepta in “turma”
lor doar pentru ca nu arati sau nu te imbraci intr-un anumit fel, atunci de ce
ai vrea sa te asociezi cu astfel de oameni superficiali?
I try to have in my life people that like me the way I
am, that support me, give me constructive criticism, love me unconditionally,
make me laugh even when I’m feeling blue, give me some of their positive energy
and share with me their bright ideas. These are “my people”. They are just a
few, but honestly it’s just the right amount for me. You know what they
say; strong essences come in small boxes (in this case size doesn’t matter =))
). What’s the purpose of having tons of friends? My dears, this is my
advice to you: in a world where fakeness, bad taste and rudeness have become
the norm, try to avoid the stress of having around you friends that are worth
less than a used condom.
Eu incerc in viata sa
am alaturi oameni care ma accepta asa cum sunt, ma sustin, imi fac critica
constructiva, ma iubesc sincer, ma fac sa rad, sa facem haz-de-necaz, imi
impartasesc din energia lor pozitiva si din inteligenta lor. Acestia sunt
“oamenii mei”. Ii numar pe degetele de la mana, dar sincer imi este suficient.
Stiti cum se zice, esentele tari stau in sticlute mici. (In cazul asta marimea
nu conteaza =)) )Ce rost are sa ai prieteni fara numar? - ca sa il citez pe
unul dintre clasici nostrii contemporani, domnu’ Minune =)) Dragele mele,
acesta este sfatul pe care doresc sa vi-l dau: intr-o lumea in care falsitatea,
prostul gust si nesimtirea au devenit norma, evitati stresul de a va inconjura
de prieteni care nu valoreaza nici cat un prezervativ folosit.
In the end I am going to share with you a little joke:
Fortunately we can choose our friends, but not our relatives.
Din fericire ne putem
alege prietenii, nu si rudele. Asta ca o mica glumita de final.
Ana and I would like to always be there for you
and help you with and advice, a kind word or with an encouragement. Please, if
you need any advice or have any questions or concerns, send them to us. We are
here for you, to listen, support or, if we can, help you. You can contact us at ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com
and don’t be shy, talk to us, we are here for you.
Eu si Ana suntem oricand la dispozitia voastra, pentru a va ajuta cu tot ce doriti. Puteti sa ne adresati sfaturi, intrebari, sau puteti pur si simplu sa ne impartasiti framantarile voastre. Suntem aici pentru voi, sa va ascultam, sa va sprijinim si, daca putem, sa va ajutam. Ne puteti contacta la adresa
de mail ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com
si nu va sfiiti sa vorbiti cu noi, suntem aici pentru voi.
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