luni, 11 iunie 2012

Review: the new Garnier hair dye / noua vopsea Garnier "Pinsel Farbtalent" / "Color Sensational"

     Hello, ladies.

     This weekend was a busy one for me: Saturday was a shopping day and, lucky me, I found everything I was looking for, and Saturday I subjected my hair to a not so pleasant experiment. To be precise, I dyed my hair with the new hair dye Garnier “Pinsel Farbtalent”, which was a huge disappointment for me.
     Here it is, my experience with the Garnier hair dye.

     Weekendul acesta a fost unul plin pentru mine: sambata am bananait toata ziua prin magazine si, din fericire, am gasit ceea ce cautam, iar duminica mi-am supus parul unui experiment nu chiar placut. Mai exact, mi-am colorat parul cu noua vopsea de la Garnier “Pinsel Farbtalent”, care pentru mine a fost o dezamagire maxima din toate punctele de vedere.
     Iata care a fost experienta mea cu vopseaua Garnier.

                             Their opinion / Ce spun ei:

     “The first Garnier hair dye specially created to be applied at home with a brush, for professional results.
-         Spectacular colour and pearly shine
-         The brush insures a precise application
-         Easy application due to its creamy texture
-         100% grey hair coverage
-         Enriched with perfumed flower oil

“Prima vopsea Garnier creata special pentru a fi aplicata cu pensula acasa, pentru rezultate profesionale.
-         Culoare spectaculoasa si o stralucire perlata
-         Pensula asigura o aplicare precisa
-         Aplicare usoara multumita texturii cremoase
-         Acopera 100% firele albe
-         Imbogatita cu ulei parfumat de flori

                             My opinion / Ce spun eu::

     The package I received from Garnier contained:
-         a smal plastic bowl to stir the dye
-         a brush to apply the dye
-         one bottle hair oxidant
-         one tube colouring cream
-         a towl
-         plastic gloves

     Pachetul pe care l-am primit de la Garnier a continut:
-         un castronel din plastic pentru amestecarea vopselei
-         o pensula pentru aplicarea vopselei
-         o sticluta cu oxidant
-         un tub crema coloranta
-         un prosop
-         manusi din plastic

     The colour I chose was a blue-ish black, but instead I’ve received from Garnier 2.0 Dark Brown. I said to myself it’s not such a big deal, since I’ve dyed my hair before dark brown and I got the colour I wanted – but I must say it was a dye from another company, which didn’t had ammonium, like this one from Garnier.

     Culoarea aleasa de mine a fost initial un negru-albastrui, inca cei de la Garnier mi-au trimis 2.0 Saten inchis. Mi-am zis ca nu este mare lucru, tinand cont ca m-am facut si in alte dati cu saten inchis si mi-a iesit ce-am vrut eu – dar precizez ca era o vopsea de la alta firma, care nu continea amoniac, precum cea de la Garnier.

     First of all, I must say I really don’t like the tube which contains the colouring cream: it’s made from aluminum, and not plastic, so it was really hard to “squeeze” out all the product and I didn’t manage anyway to get it all out. After I poured the oxidant and the colouring cream in the bowl, I started stir with the bursh for 15 minutes, waiting for the two products to blend. That didn’t happened, because after a quarter of hour you could still see small beans from the colouring cream. Because my hand got tired, I dropped the whole stiring process and had to be satisfied with what I had – a cream with the consistence of mayo, and went to dye my hair.

     In primul rand, trebuie sa spun ca nu-mi place deloc tubul in care se afla crema coloranta: fiind din aluminiu, si nu din plastic, mi-a fost foarte greu sa “storc” tot produsul din ele si oricum n-am reusit sa-l scot pe tot. Dupa ce am pus in castron oxidantul si crema coloranta, am amestecat, folosind pensula, timp de vreo 15 minute tot asteptand sa se omogenizeze. Nici gand de-asa ceva, caci dupa un sfert de ora de “batut” la ele inca se mai vedeau bobite de crema. Pentru ca-mi obosise mana, am lasat-o balta si m-am multumit cu ce-am obtinut, o crema de consistenta maionezei relativ omogenizata, si am purces la aplicarea ei pe par.

   And how we have the problem number 2: the brush. I ignore that it’s hard, harsh, it’s hairs are falling off and it was scratching my scalp, but it’s horrible when it comes to applying the dye. Ley me explin why: I took some product on the brush and when I wanted to apply it on my hair, it simply came out on the other side, through the rare hairs of the brush. So I to dye my hair dabbing the dye on the hair and only after spreading it carefully on the root and the rest of the hair.
     Being so hard and harsh, the brush kept clinging my hair, making it “fly” through the air and sticking it on my face, so ended up with a few dark patches on my cheeks. Lucky me it went off quickly with some face cleanser.
     Briefly, the whole dying process took me almost an hour, double time as usual.

     Acum ajungem la problema a doua: pensula. Trec peste faptul ca este tare, aspra, ii cad firele si simteam cum imi zgarie scalpul, dar nu este deloc buna pentru aplicarea vopselei. Sa va explic de ce: am luat produsul pe pensula si in clipa in care am vrut sa-l aplic pe par, a iesit pe partea cealalta a pensulei, printre perii rari. Asa ca m-am chinuit sa ma vopsesc tapotand vopseaua pe par si abia apoi sa o intind pe radacina si lungimea firului.
     Fiind aspra, pensula imi “agata” tot timpul fire de par deja vopsite si le facea sa “zboare” prin aer, lipindu-mi-se de fata, asa ca m-am trezit cu cateva pete negre pe obraz. Norocul meu ca s-au luat repede cu demachiant.
     Pe scurt, tot procesul de vopsire a durat aproape o ora, timp dublu fata de cat imi ia de obicei. 

     And now let’s get to the worse part, because yes, there is a nastier part, if you can believe that. During the whole dying process I had a really bad itching and burning sensation, I watned to scratch my skin off.
Garnier says you must let the dye on hair for 25 minutes if you don’t have any grey hairs and 30 minutes if you do have. Although I’m starting to have grey hairs, after almost 20 minutes I had to wash my hair, because the burning and itching sensation were killing me.

     Iar acum sa trec la partea cea mai proasta, caci da, daca puteti sa credeti, chiar exista o parte si mai naspa. In timpul intregului proces de vopsire am avut o senzatie acuta de arsura si mancarime, imi venea sa ma scarpin pana-mi rupeam pielea.
Garnier spune ca trebuie sa stai cu vopseaua pe par 25 de minute daca nu ai fire albe si 30 de minute daca ai. Desi am inceput sa albesc pe ici, pe colo, dupa  nici 20 de minute a trebuit sa ma spal pe cap, pentru ca nu mai rezistam arsurii si mancarimii. 

                                              The result / Rezultatul:
     Some hair pacthes turned out dark brown / black, while others remained almost untouched by the hair dye and were slightly light brown, their previous colour. My hair isn’t shining, is harsh and looks a little like a sheep’s wool.
     It’s gonna need lots of warm oils hair masks to get it’s shine and softness back.

     In unele locuri parul a fost colorat saten inchis spre brunet, in altele a ramas culoarea pe care am avut-o inainte – un saten usor deschis. Parul este lipsit de stralucire, cam aspru si cu un usor aspect de “lana”.
     O sa fie nevoie de multe de par cu uleiuri calde pentru a-i reda stralucirea, supletea si moliciunea pe care o avea inainte.

                              Conclusion / Concluzie:
     The Garnier hair dye doesn’t provide a full coverage, I had an itching and burning sensation and my hair doesn’t look healthy at all. I hated the brush and the hair dye and definitely I’m never gonna buy a hir dye from Garnier again.

     Vopseaua de la Garnier nu acopera uniform, am avut mancarimi si usturimi, iar parul nu arata deloc sanatos. Nu mi-au placut absolut deloc pensula si vopseaua si cu siguranta nu voi cumpara niciodata niciun produs de colorare a parului de la Garnier.

     Did you, guys, ever used a hair dye from Garnier? If so, how did you liked it?

     Voi ati incercat vreo vopsea de la Garnier? Daca da, cum vi s-a parut?

                   Kisses and always be beautiful

                                Va pup si fiti frumoase

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