Hello, ladies.
My passion for beauty products,
let’s say, has turn into an obsession. I am past the make-up and nail polish
phase, now my focus is on brushes. A few weeks ago, I expanded my brush
collection with 24 new Fräulein brushes. I have showed them to you on Facebook
the minute I got my new babies, and since then I have tested the brushes on a
regular basis. The time has passed by, I was able to form an opinion about
them and now I would like to share it with you.
Pasiunea asta pentru makeup poate crea mici obsesii :).
Am trecut de “perioada” farduri si “perioada oje”, acum a venit randul
pensulelor. In urma cu cateva saptamani, colectia mea de pensule s-a imbogatit
cu 24 astfel de “ustensile”, marca Fräulein.
Vi le-am aratat pe Facebook atunci cand mi-au ajuns in
manute, iar de atunci le-am tot testat. Timpul a trecut, iar eu mi-am format o
parere despre ele, pe care astazi o impartasesc cu voi.
Ce spun ei/ What they say:
“The vanity
stater brushes set includes all the basics you need for daily applications.
With a shinny fashionable lattice case.
This 24 pieces white starter brushes
set includes:
Large angled contour brush, Large powder brush, Blush brush, Foundation brush, Face brush, Fantail brush, Large fantal brush, Large shader brush, Shader brush, Eye shader brush, Small shader brush, Mini shader brush, Medium angled shading brush, Small angle brush, Square face brush, Concealer brush, Lip brush, Lip liner brush, Eyeliner brush, Sponge eyeshadow applicator, Brow comb+brush, Mascara brush, Angled brow brush, Flat definer brush.
Large angled contour brush, Large powder brush, Blush brush, Foundation brush, Face brush, Fantail brush, Large fantal brush, Large shader brush, Shader brush, Eye shader brush, Small shader brush, Mini shader brush, Medium angled shading brush, Small angle brush, Square face brush, Concealer brush, Lip brush, Lip liner brush, Eyeliner brush, Sponge eyeshadow applicator, Brow comb+brush, Mascara brush, Angled brow brush, Flat definer brush.
The vanity starter brushes set
include all the basics you need for daily applications. With a shinny
fashionable lattice case. All brushes are made with natural bristle. Very easy
to handle.”
What I say:
The brushes come in a plastic case,
with a black and white pattern. Almost all of them had their own plastic cover,
to protect them and help maintain their shape after washing them. I did not use the plastic covers because I don't like them. The handle is made out of wood, painted white, whit the Fräulein3°8
logo printed on it, giving the brushes a classy look. Fräulein says that this
is a complete set, but I would like to contradict them: I think it would have
been ideal if they had added at least a blending brush. Or it would have been
ok if they would have included at least a
round brush. If you would ask me, I believe a blending brush is a ‘must have’
in order to achieve a perfect make-up.
Ce spun eu:
Pensulele vin ambalate intr-o husa din plastic, cu un model
alb-negru. Aproape toate au avut cate o husa mica, din plastic, care sa le
protejeze si sa le pastreze forma dupa spalare. Eu am renuntat la huse pentru
ca ma cam incomodeaza.
Manerele sunt din lemn, vopsite alb si inscriptionate cu
sigla Fräulein3°8, oferind pensulelor un aspect classy. Cei de la Fräulein sustin
ca acest set este unul complet, insa eu as vrea sa-i contrazic: ar fi fost
ideal daca ar fi adaugat cel putin o pensula de blending. Sau ar fi fost ok
macar daca ar fi inclus in set o pensula rotunda. Daca ma intrebati pe mine,
pensula de blending este un must pentru ca un machiaj sa arate “ca la carte”.
The brushes seem to be made of
natural hair. The brushes wash fast, they dry in 5 to 6 hours, but what I don’t
like is that those for your complexion lose their shape and look ruffeled. For
them to get back to their original shape, I have to keep them a few more hours
in their cover.
Perii par a fi, intr-adevar din par natural. Pensulele se
spala repede, se usuca in 5-6 ore, insa ce nu-mi place este ca cele pentru fata
nu-si pastreaza forma si sunt ciufulite. Ca sa-si “revina”, trebuie sa le tin
alte cateva ore in husa lor.
Another thing that I don’t like, is
that they have omitted to write on each
brush what are they for. You can
easily identify the ones for face, the one for concelear (doh!) and a few for
the eyes. What about the rest? I have assigned the rest of the brushes
according to my needs, and I use them the way I please.
Un alt aspect care nu-mi place este ca nu scrie pe pensule
care, pentru ce este. Identificabile sunt pensulele pentru fata, cea pentru concelear
(doh!) si cateva pentru ochi. Dar restul? Drept urmare, le-am impartit dupa cum
m-a dus mintea, le-am “botezat” si le folosesc dupa cum imi este mie mai comod
After talking about the preliminary
aspects, let’s get to a detailed description of the ‘tools’.
Dupa ce am lamurit aceste aspecte generale, sa trecem la
descrierea amanuntita a “ustensilelor”.
Pensula pentru fond de ten / Foundation brush:
It was a real surprise for me,
because I wasn’t expecting to be so soft and to apply the product so well. I can say that is almost as good as the one from Yves Rocher
(presented HERE). Is as easy to clean as the one from YR and it keeps al its
hair intact.
A fost o adevarata surpriza pentru mine, pentru ca nu ma
astepam sa fie atat de moale si sa aplice produsul atat de bine. Pot spune ca
este cam la fel de buna cu cea de la Yves Rocher (prezentata AICI). Se curata
mai usor decat cea de la YR si nu pierde niciun fir de par.
Pensula pentru pudra / Powder brush, Pensula pentru contur /
Contouring brush, Pensula pentru blush / Blush brush, Pensula “evantai” mare /
Large fan brush:
All of them have the same
characteristics. They are the biggest brushes that I have for this kind of job;
they ‘catch’ the product very well with the tip of the brush and apply it very
well, too. What I dislike about it is that they are very harsh, and they lose
some hair during washing. Not a lot, but
it would have been ideal if it wouldn’t have happened.
Toate au aceleasi caracteristici. Sunt cele mai mari pensule
de genul acesta pe care le am, “prind” produsul bine pe varful perilor si-l
aplica la fel de bine. Ce nu-mi place absolut deloc este ca sunt foarte aspre
si le cad si cateva fire la spalare. Nu multe, e drept, dar era de preferat sa
nu “naparleasca” deloc.
Pensula “evantai” mica / Small fan brush:
It is very fine, and I use it to
apply the highlighter. It keeps all its hair when washing it.
Este foarte fina, iar eu o folosesc pentru a aplica
iluminatorul. Nu pierde niciun fir la spalare.
Second "set" of brushes / Al doilea "set" de pensule
Pensulele pentru concelear / concelear brushes (in principiu
/ basically):
This one is for cream blush / Pentru blush crema |
They are very big, and I cannot use
them at all to apply/ spread the concealear. The first one I use it to contour
my face, and the second one for blush. They are soft and smooth, they don’t
lose their hair during washing.
Sunt foarte mari, nu le pot folosi deloc pentru a
aplica/intinde corectorul. Pe prima o folosesc pentru a-mi contura fata cu un
produs crema, iar pe a doua pentru blush-ul crema. Sunt pensule moi si fine, nu
pierd niciun fir la spalare.
Pensula pentru concelear / Concelear brush:
This one I use it to apply the
concealear. It is smooth, doesn’t loses it’s hair and blends well the product.
Pe asta chiar o folosesc pentru aplicarea corectorului. Este
fina, nu naparleste si intinde bine produsul.
Pensula pentru fard / eyeshadow brush (in principiu):
I use this one to apply/blend the
eye primer or the make-up base. Like the previous one, it is also smooth
and soft, it keeps all its hair during washing.
O folosesc pentru a aplica / intinde primerul de ochi sau
baza de machiaj. La fel ca cea de mai sus, este fina, moale si nu naparleste.
Large eyeshadow angled brush:
This one is waaaay to big for the
eye, so I found a new use for it. I use it for my noseand it does the job well.
It is soft, doesn’t loses its hair.
Aceasta pensula este mult prea mare pentru ochiul meu, asa ca
i-am gasit alta intrebuintare. O folosesc pentru conturarea nasului si pot
spune ca-si treaba foarte bine. Este moale si nu naparleste.
Small angled brush:
I use it to apply the eyeshadow in
the outer corner of my eye. It is soft, doesn’t loses its hair.
O folosesc pentru a aplica fardul in coltul extern al
ochiului. Este fina si nu naparlaeste.
Fard / Eyeshadow, Tus de ochi / Eyeliner, Eyebrows / Sprancene:
The flat brushes for applying eye
shadow, primer or makeup base. They ‘catch’ the product very well, but when
applying make-up on the eyelid you have to persist a little bit.
The brush that
I use for the eyeliner is the 3rd one from left to right, and I can
honestly say that it does the job well.
All of them are soft and don’t lose
their hair.
Pensule plate pentru aplicarea fardurilor, a primerului sau
a bazei de machiaj. Ele “prind” produsul foarte bine, insa atunci cand fardul
este aplicat pe pleoapa trebuie insistat putin.
Pensula pe care o folosesc pentru tusul de ochi este ce-a
de-a treia de la stanga la dreapta si pot spune ca-si face treaba foarte bine.
Toate sunt moi si nu naparlesc.
Tus de ochi / Eyeliner, Sprancene / Eyebrows, Buze / Lips,
Gene / Eyelashes, Buretel / Sponge:
I have never used the thin brush for
the eyeliner, the sponge and lashes brush. I find them useless and it would
have been better if they were replaced with blending brushes. What do you want,
I have a pet peeve.
The lip brushes are fine, but a little hard, in order to apply the products in a proper manner. I like them.
N-am folosit niciodata pensula subtire pentru tus, buretelul
si peria pentru gene. Mi se par complet inutile si era mult mai bine daca le
scoteau si bagau pensule de blending in locul lor. Ce sa fac, am si eu un “of” :)).
Pensulele de buze sunt fine, dar mai dure, pentru a aplica
produsul cum trebuie. Isi fac treaba bine si sunt multumita de ele.
Concluzie / In conclusion:
Per overall the set is ok, but there
is room for improvement. The guys from Fraulein can work more on the quality of
the face brushes, to make them softer, and also to include some blending
brushes. I know I have an obsession for this, but you know I’m right.
In principiu, setul este relativ ok, insa poate fi mult
imbunatatit. Cei de la Fraulein ar putea sa mai lucreze la calitatea pensulelor
pentru fata, sa le faca mai moi, si neaparat sa bage niste pensule de blending.
Stiu ca am o obsesie cu chestia asta, dar pe buna dreptate.
The set can be bought from the
Fräulein3°8 web site for 14.99 euro, from HERE . Shipping is not much, just 2 euros.
Setul poate fi cumparat de pe site-ul Fräulein3°8, la pretul
de 14.99 euro, de AICI. Transportul nu este foarte scump, costa doar 2 euro.
Do you have any Fräulein3°8? If so,
what you like/dislike about them? Would you be willing to buy such a set?
Voi detineti pensule Fräulein3°8? Daca da, ce va place si ce
va nemultumeste? Ati fi tentate sa cumparati un astfel de set?
Kisses and always be beautiful
Va pup si fiti frumoase
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