I have about 300 nail polishes and almost half of them are from Catrice: simple, duo-chrome, holo, glitters or special effect top coats, you name it and I have it. The only ones missing from my pretty Catrice collection were textured polishes, but this stopped to be "problem" about a month ago. Embracing the concept "go big or go home", I purchased the entire "Crushed Crystals" L.E, I tested it and now I'm gonna tell you what I think about it.
Am in jur de 300 de oje, iar aproape jumatate din ele sunt de la "Catrice": simple, duo-chrome, holografice, glittere sau top coat-uri cu un finish special. Singurele care lipseau din colectie erau ojele texturate, insa recent am rezolvat si "problema" aceasta. Mergand pe principiul "go big or go home", am cumparat toata colectia de oje "Crushed Crystals", editie limitata. Am testat aceste oje si m-am gandit sa va vorbesc despre ele, mai ales ca, recent, produsele Catrice au ajuns si in Romania, incluzand aceasta colectie.
General informations:
- the collection was available in some european countries in spring;
- "Crushed Crystals" has 6 nail polishes with colores which vary from gold to pink, red, dark purple and grey / gunmetal;
- the polishes have a textured finish and each bottle contains 10 ml of products;
- it takes about 5 to 6 days before they start chipping, although the textured effect tends to be less obvious after 3 to 4 days;
Informatii generale:
- initial, colectia a fost valabila in alte tari europene prin primavara, insa la noi a ajuns abia de curand;
- "Crushed Crystals" numara 6 oje ale caror nuante variaza de la auriu la roz, rosu, mov inchis si gri argintiu;
- ojele au un finish texturat si fiecare sticluta contine 10 ml de produs;
- rezista pe unghii cel putin 5-6 zile fara probleme, desi efectul texturat incepe sa "paleasca" dupa 3-4 zile;
- pretul aproximativ al ojelor este de 15 lei, iar locatiile (destul de limitate, momentan) unde le gasiti le aveti AICI;
Next I'm going to tell you a few words about each nail polish and show you the swatches.
In continuare am sa va spun cateva cuvinte despre fiecare oja si am sa va arat swatch-urile.
01 "Royal REDding"
It's a bright, almost neon red with fine red glitter. It needs two coats for a full coverage and it dries in about 10 minutes. The textured finish is not that obvious when you look at it, because of the glitter which reflects the light, but you can certainly feel it if you touch the nails.Also, the jelly-ish base makes it look like it's not completely dry, but it is.
Este un rosu aprins, aproape neon si are micro glitter rosu. Este nevoie de doua aplicari pentru a acoperi unghia complet si se usuca in circa 10 minute. Finish-ul texturat nu este atat de evident atunci cand privesti unghiile, iar asta din cauza glitter-ului care reflecta lumina, insa cu siguranta se simt "granulele" daca atingi unghiile. De asemenea, baza usor jelly o face sa araate ca si cum nu ar fi complet uscata, insa in realitate este.
02 PLUMdog Millionaire
A deep purple with purple and blue micro glitter. It needs either one thick coat or two thin coats of nail polish for an opaque effect and it dries in 10 minutes. The textured effect is pretty intense on this one.
Un mov inchis ce contine micro glitter mov si albastru. Este nevoie fie de un strat gros, fie de doua mai subtiri pentru a acoperi complet unghia, iar efectul texturat este destul de intens.
03 Shooting Star
This one is a hot, bright fuchsia shade, packed up with blue and purple fine glitter. It needs two coats for a full nail coverage, it dries in about 8-10 minutes and the textured effect is obvious.
Aceasta oja este un fuchsia intens, neon-ish as putea spune, ce contine glitter fin albastru si mov. Este nevoie de doua straturi pentru o acoperire completa a unghiei, iar efectul texturat este evident.
04 Oyster & Champagne
A golden base with fine gold and light pink glitter and a few chunky pieces of gold glitter. It's a beautiful and elegant nail polish, but the downside is that you have to apply three pretty thick coats for a full nail coverage, because it has a pretty thin formula. Also, it takes about 15 minutes to dry and the textured effect is not that intense.
O baza aurie cu glitter fin auriu si roz deschis, dar contine si cateva bucati mai maricele de glitter auriu. Este o nuanta tare frumoasa si eleganta, dar partea negativa ar fi ca trebuie sa aplici trei straturi generoase pentru o acoperire completa a unghiei, caci este cam subtire. Se asemenea, se usuca greu, in 15 minute, iar efectul texturat nu este atat de intens.
05 Call Me Princess
This is my favourite polish from the collection. It's a light candy pink with gold micro glitter. It takes two thin coats for an opaque effect and it dries in under 10 minutes. Also, I think the textured effect is most intense on this nail polish. It's definitely worth the money.
Aceasta este oja mea favorita din colectie. Este un roz bombon deschis cu micro glitter auriu. Este nevoie de doua straturi subtirele pentru a acoperi complet unghia si se usuca in mai putin de 10 minute. De asemenea, mi se pare ca efectul texturat este cel mai intens la aceasta oja. Cu siguranta isi merita banii.
06 Stardust
It's a pretty odd nail polish and I'm not to crazy about it. Some say it's a brown shade, but I see it as a grey / gunmetal one with silver glitter. Two coats are enough to get a full nail coverage and it dries in 7 to 10 minutes. But the formula is thick and it makes the polish difficult to work eith and, because of the chunky silver glitter, you can't really tell if it's a textured polish or not.
E o oja destul de ciudata si nu-mi place in mod special. Unele review-uri sustin ca ar fi o nuanta de maro, insa eu o vad ca pe un gri / gunmetal cu glitter argintiu. Doua straturi sunt suficiente pentru o acoperire completa a unghiei si se usuca in circa 7-10 minute. Insa este o oja destul de groasa si se lucreaza greu cu ea si, din cauza glitter-ului argintiu, iti dai seama cam greu ca e o oja texturata.
So, what do you think about this L.E. collection? Which nail polish is your favourite?
Sunt curioasa sa aflu parerea voastra despre aceasta colectie in editie limitata. Care dintre oje este preferata voastra?
For any questions, requests or/and critics, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the comment section below or my email addresses (ana.s_beautyblog@yahoo.com).
Pentru intrebari, propuneri si/sau critici, ma puteti contacta folosind sectiunea de comentarii sau adresa de mail.
Kisses and always be beautiful
Va pup si fiti frumoase
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